Chapter 1 • The Fault in my Stairs

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"It would be a privelege to have my heart broken by you."

So as of now, I am laying in my bed here on my flat while eating popcorn and watching The Fault in our Stars. I don't know but even though I have watched this movie in like a zillion times already, I never get tired of it. I have never watched this movie without emptying a box of tissue.

Every weekends, I always watch movies by myself to relax since school is so much stressing that all I want to do is lock myself here without communicating in the outside world. I am not anti-social for your information, it's just that I wanted to bond with myself on my free days. Say whut.

Right before the credits show up, there was a loud sound coming from the living room. I heard the door bell ring that's why I immediately got off of my bed and ran towards the stairs.

Before mom bought this flat for me, the first thing that I wished to have is another tv for my bedroom, excluding the one she bought to be placed on my living room for formality. Luckily, my wish came true. Mom bought another tv but its not as expensive as the ones I have downstairs. What matters most is that I can use it on my own risk and privacy. To be honest, who in the world would like to be laughed at when there's a very heart-wrenching scene in a movie and then you cry cry and cry like a baby cause it's killing you? Maybe if you're not really into movies, you wouldn't care cause fyi, I am the biggest fan of movies of all time.

As I ran downstairs, I heard a loud thud which means something fell and then crashed on the floor. Oh, it's not a something. It's a someone. I just realized that I fell on the floor because after laying on my bed for more than 3 hours, I had cramps. Shame on me. Ugh. I think I have bruises already.

As I got near on the door, I already saw who it was. Well of course it's the most annoying creature in the whole world. My brother. Ugh. Why would he visit me on my rest days? Ugh. #WrongTiming

"Hey Venice! How's my little sister? Have you eaten lunch already?" James said after hugging me. I hate it when he says sweet things to me. I know it was supposed to touch me but it did not, instead it annoyed me.

"Well, I was having the time of my life but it ended quickly at the time you knocked." I spat.

"Aww. I know you love me. HAHAHA. Well I came by just to know if you can have lunch with me and my friends since one of my friends just moved here on Australia. They came from London and I haven't seen her in like 5 years. I believe we need to catch up since those 5 years were like forever" he explained.

"That sounds nice. Okay. If you don't mind, i will just get prepared and go upstairs. Is it something formal or I can wear casual clothes?" I asked.

"Well, it's kinda formal 'cause it's like a reunion you know? But I think you can wear semi-formal clothes. I don't know." he said with sarcasm. Ugh I hate it when his sarcasm wins over me.

"Shut up. Wait for me. Give me 30 minutes." I said.

"What?! Are you preparing for your debut party?" he joked. I instantly glared at him. "Just kidding. I love it when I get into your nerves. HAHAHA." he laughed.

"Ugh. I hate you." I said to him while turning back. As I was about to go up, the back of my leg stung. I noticed I had a long bruise and it hurts like hell. I immediately looked at it with disgust.

"Hey, what happened to you? Why are walking like that?" my brother asked, concern in his face.

"Uhm, I fell on the stairs a while ago when I was about to open the door for you" , I said. I guess he got guilty cause technically it's his fault. But I am kinda accusing the stairs for this. Cause it's so sturdy that it didn't got hurt when I got hurt. Lol.

"Oh. I'm so sorry. But you can still back out on the lunch party if you don't want you know. I don't want to see you having a hard time while we are having a good time", he said.

That's James. He may be annoying sometimes but still, there is the other part of him that is full of sincerity, care and love for his loved ones. And of course, I like that side of him. I feel so protected when his good side mode is on.

"No! I want to! I don't have anything to do either. I want to have fun today in a different way" i said.

"Well okay. If you say so. Now go upstairs already! " he ordered.

Once I got upstairs, I quickly rushed to my closet. I don't know what to wear, that's why I called my bestfriend, Paris, to ask her what I should wear on this specific occasion. To be honest, I always ask her about fashion because she's so good at it. I dialed her number immediately and it took 5 rings before she answered it.

"What now?" wow, she's so nice right?

"Uhm. What should I wear on a Lunch party with my brother?" I asked, not even caring if she's on a good mood.

"Oh. Here we go again. Uhm. I guess you should wear your pink floral dress and wear the heels we bought last week on the mall. Then wear your pearl earrings and use the bag you got last Christmas from Luke." she said without even stuttering.

Yes. I know. She knows a lot about the contents of my closet. She also knows where I bought them and who gave it to me. That's Paris.

"Omg. Thank you so much. I knew I could count on you everytime." i said in excitement.

"Yea yea, sure. Just don't forget to tell me if you saw someone hot there alright?" she joked.

"Yea whatevs. Thanks again. Loveya!" I said.

"Loveya too. Byeee!" she said and the call ended.

After doing some finishing touches on my light make up, I hurried on my shoe rack and slipped on the 2 inch heels that Paris told me to wear.

As I went down, James wasn't on the living room and I assume he's waiting outside and right after that, I heard a loud long honk coming from his car. I rushed outside and locked the door and went on the passenger's seat of his car.

"What?" I said after noticing he was staring at me.

"It's just that.. It took you 35 minutes just to prepare and it seems like I can do that in just 10 minutes!" he scolded.

"James, you're a boy. It's easy for you to say that. Now, step on the gas and let's get moving!" I said in annoyance.

It took us 20 minutes to get to the place and on the drive, James told me that his friend's name is Doniya and obviously she's a girl. I haven't encountered a name like that and it made me more excited to meet her.

As we stepped out of the car, I noticed it wasn't a restaurant. It's a mansion. I thought we will just eat lunch but it seems like we will also be party animals tonight.

We were about to enter the house when one of James' friend pulled him from me causing me to stumble on the floor and getting a lot of attention from the visitors. The bruise at the back of my leg also added to the pain I felt. Ugh. Curse the stairs. I hate stairs.

I was about to stand up on my own when someone grabbed my arm and helped me stand up. I was about to say thank you until I got a chance to see who helped me. My mouth can't even move because his presence made a huge effect on me. Ugh.

"Oh. I hope you're okay. I guess the stairs weren't doing it's job properly." he said.

Oh my gosh. Am I in heaven already? What is this angel doing here on Earth?

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Hey people! Thank you for reading the first chapter of Memories. I hope you can give me your opinions about this. I'm sorry for the errors, I wrote this in like 2 am and I'm so groggy. Lol I hope you enjoyed it.

All the love,

M xx

Memories (Zayn Malik)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon