Chapter 10 • Meat Love Prey

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Venice's POV

Coach Houlton whistled.

I don't know if it's a goal 'cause my hands are covering my eyes. If it's not a goal, I am really sure that it's my fault.

What if he took that in the wrong way? What if he thinks I'm madly inlove with him? Yes, maybe but not at that stage! I mean, I love Luke because he's my bestfriend and if there is something that I am hiding from him, it's this little crush that I have for him. But aside from that, I really treasure our friendship that's why I am hiding it from him. I love him because he's my friend, period.

My thoughts were brushed away when I felt people running down. I looked at the people as to where they were heading to. Is Luke hurt? Is there something wrong? Is there a stampede?

"VEN! VEN!" Paris is already shaking me.



Paris pushed me, telling me that we should go down to Luke. I looked at the crowd and I can see girls making efforts to go and reach Luke. It's kind of a competition because they kept on pushing each other and I believe that they think once they are beside Luke, they win at life.

We made our way to the ground and we had a hard time because, just like I said, there's a competition going on down here.

Paris released so much force by pushing the girls to give way for us. I keep on apologizing to the girls because I know that it's rude to push people.

"Hey, Ven? Do you mind helping me to make our way to Luke?"

"Oh uhm. Okay. Let me borrow the mega phone."

"Oh yeah! Good idea. Let me do it. I can make all of them disappear."


Paris started on clearing her throat, and it didn't work. She just caught my attention. Mine only.

"Uhm hey girls?" People are still ignoring her.

"Helloooooooo!" Still no attention.

"Uhm okay. VIP coming through?"

She caught some attention but they just smirked at her and I hate it. No one can do that to her! With my anger, I suddenly snatched the mega phone from Paris and screamed at everyone.


I got all attention. Even Luke's. Oh no.

"Yeah! Give way for them. They are my bestfriends." Luke said with a cheeky smile.

People started moving away. Some girls are murmuring things that I am sure is about me. Some looked at me with disgust. Some are smirking. Some are just smiling. Yeah, they're still acting. Fakers.

Paris gave me a high five and I returned it to her with a shy smile.

"What's wrong? Come on! We're VIPs remember?" She winked at me.

I am doomed.

We made our way to Luke and I can see him smiling and I can't hide mine as well. I mean, this is his passion. Before, he told us he really wants to join the team but he keeps on telling us that his skills are still not enough.

With all of my excitement, I jumped and gave him the biggest bear hug I ever gave to someone. I am just so happy for him.

"I am so proud of you Luke. I knew you could do it." I whispered at him, still hugging.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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