Chapter 4 • Past and Curious

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Previously on Memories.

All I wanted to do was to hug her so tightly and beg her to forgive me for everything I have done to her for the last five years. And still counting.

"Venice?", I said in a soft voice. I don't know what her reaction will be like. I don't know if she'll kick me on my sensitive part, or she'll punch me on the face and won't stop until my whole face is already swollen, or worst, kill me with a gun that she might have, just in case she sees me anytime, anywhere.

I was hoping for the last one but her response was even worse than the worst.

• • • • •
Venice's POV

No. Is it really him?

"Niall?", I said in disbelief.

"Venice, look, I really did want to talk to you but-" he stopped as I got near him.

I gave him a very tight hug. I was just so happy and it seems like he was also as happy as I am despite the fact that he didn't expect that bear hug I just gave him.

I let go of him because I think he can't breathe properly.

"Niaaaaaaall! OMG! How are you? I've missed you soooo much." I said while squeezing his cheeks.

"AWWW! That hurts you know!" He said while rubbing his now red cheeks.

"It seems like you haven't changed at all. You're still brutal but I think I'm still better than you" he laughed.

"Oh really? So you're challenging me now Horan? Come on! Bring it to me!" I said while punching in the air.

"Oh. I doubt it Lauren." he said with a smirk on his lips.

"Huh. You think so? You're so gonna scream my name for begging me to let you live Ni." I mocked.

"Hey, hey you guys. Uhm mind if you both tell me what's going on? I'm like a fish out of water here." Harry said. Oh I already forgot he was the reason why I got here.

"Oh yeah, sorry Hazz. Uhm,for your information, Venice and I were really close friends back when they were still living in London." Niall explained.


Venice's POV

"Venice, dear. Why don't you go out and play with the other kids outside? You're always playing with your dolls, Ven. Aren't you bored" my mommy asked while sitting on my bed, beside me.

"Nah! I love my dolls mom! They won't hurt me. Unlike other kids do outside. They will hurt each other and they will call it "fun". I said, defending myself.

"Ven, that's the thing with fun. Sometimes, having scratches or bruises is not a bad thing. Yes, they bring pain but they can also bring good memories."  Mom said while brushing my hair.

"Mooom. It's better to play inside. It's safer." I said.

"Sweetie, I think I will feel much safer knowing that you have friends that can save you whenever your brother, father and I are not around. Do you think your dolls can save you when you're in trouble?"

"Uhm. I don't think so." I gave up. I know what mom means and I think it's worth a try.

"See, that's why go and play with other kids, okay? Once I found out that you don't like playing with others anymore, I will buy you more dolls." she assured, though I know she won't buy me at all but still, I nodded because playing with these toys are kinda boring nowadays.

Memories (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now