Chapter 8 • Finding Hemmo

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Venice's POV

The text message. It's from Luke.

From: Lukey

Hey Ven! Just wondering why you were not present. I hope you're okay. See you tomorrow, i guess.

Aww. Such a cutie.

This is new to me because Luke is not like this. I mean, yes we're best friends, but sometimes I feel that he's not comfortable when I'm around. Yes, he goes out with me and Paris. We even have a schedule of eating ice cream together! We always do it on Fridays because according to Paris, the Ice Cream Parlor's name is sooo close to 'Thank God It's Friday' and if you aren't ringing any bells yet, the ice cream parlor's name is 'Thank God It's Ice Cream'. To sum it up, we call it as our 'Thank God It's Ice Cream Friday'. And to be honest, Luke and I are okay with it because everything that Paris says is always convincing.

I tried to call Paris first but it seems like she's sleeping already that's why I decided to just tell her tomorrow everything.

Then I texted Luke.

To: Lukey

Hi Luke! Aww. I'm sorry I missed lunch today. I was not feeling well that's why I was absent. I'll try to make it up to you tomorrow. Thanks for worrying. I really appreciate it. ♡

I don't know why but upto this moment, I still feel sleepy. Tomorrow's gonna be a new day! I should sleep so that I can run to school early.


At 5:30 am, I stood up and get ready for school. I had a hard time on picking what to wear and I ended up in my gray sweater with a Mickey Mouse print, skinny jeans and my black vans. I always dress like this. Not formal, but not so casual. I usually don't risk wearing skirt on school because before, Paris' skirt flew up and since we were on the soccer field at that time, a lot of people witnessed her having the most embarassing moment of her life. She was also wearing a spongebob undies at that time and I assume she already threw that.

I walked to my kitchen and drank milk and ate some cereal. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, that's why I never skip. :)

I went outside and locked the door and placed my keys on my backpack. I saw Vienna on their porch. She lives on the other side of the street, in front of my place. She's like 9 years old and she and I are really close. Sometimes I bake cupcakes for her whenever she's in my flat. I waved at her and said good morning and she also replied.

"Good morning Ven! Have fun at school!

"You too" I replied with a smile.

I walked to school since it's not that far from my flat. And it's like my morning exercise.

I already see familiar faces on my way there. And then I saw the craziest human being I know and waved my hand at her. Seeing her black hair with a touch of violet on the tips assured that it's really her.


"VEN! Oh my gosh" she went beside me and slid her arm to my arm as well.

"I'm sorry about yesterday" I said with a frown. We walked inside the school and into our lockers.

"It's okay. Luke sent me the message you gave him so I know it already. So how are you feeling?" she said, concern in her face.

"I'm fine now. Thank you," and then the first bell rang which means in 15 minutes, classes will start already. "Hey, let's catch up later on lunch. I really need to get to class right now. I should ask my classmates what they did yesterday. See you later!"

"Bye Ven!"

And then I went to my first class. History.

My classmate, Christine, told me that we're having a short quiz. Good thing I studied yesterday.

More students went in and so is my teacher. Sir Fitler. He went in and told us to bring out our quiz pad and then our quiz started already.

So, about my History teacher. It's funny 'cause his surname is so near to Hitler that sometimes we ask him if he came from the past 'cause you know, he teaches history and is near to Hitler. And to be honest, he is not fit. Unlike his surname. Fitler.

He's dressed in his usual type of clothes, a white button up shirt, black pants and dress shoes. And there is his circular eye glasses that gives him his signature look.

I was happy 'cause I got a perfect score on the quiz. Sir Fitler praised me since I was absent yesterday but I was able to answer the quiz well.

I went to my second and third classes and it both went well. I love Literature and Chemistry so it wasn't a burden much.

It's lunch time already. I went to my locker and placed the books inside 'cause these books are like the heaviest things in the world.

I went to the cafeteria and sat on our usual spot and waited for both Paris and Luke. Not long after, I saw Paris and she ran to me.

"I haven't seen Luke. He wasn't present on my second class. What's wrong with the both of you?" She asked.

"I don't know too. Maybe he did something important and let's just look around later after eating."

"Okaaay. Sooo, by the way, how was the party?"

I choked. Telling Paris I got sick because of drinking will just lead to her teaching me and telling me what's the right thing to do. She also reminds me of someone back in the past that's why I don't complain.

"Uhm. It's good! Yeah. And hey, remember you told me to let you know if I met someone hot?" I tried changing the subject.

I see excitement in her eyes. "Oh my. Yes! So you met one?"

"Yeah. And his name is Louis. Louis Tomlinson." I grin.

Maybe introducing Paris to Louis won't be a bad idea. To be honest, Louis is good looking. I think he's a great guy and I think it will be a waste if he will just always stick to Harry because I think he's not interested in Lou. :(

"Really? Uhm can you let me meet him? It will be great if you will 'cause you know," she raised her eyebrows. "We're Best Friends", she said, nudging me on my elbow.

She intentionally put a force in saying the 'best friends' 'cause she really thinks that I should do it for the sake of our friendship.

"Yeah. Sure. No problem. I can also get his number from a friend of mine."

She screamed, "Yes! Thank you. You're the best bestfriend evah!"

We finished our lunch while talking about her weekend and how her dog chased an old man while she was walking Snow. Snow is her dog. She's white and very fluffy. Sometime Paris and I bring her to the vet whenever there's something wrong.

At 12:16 pm, we decided to Luke for look. Paris named our mission 'Finding Hemmo' and it's driving me crazy because she keeps on bragging about her 'wittiness' on the title.

While walking on the hallway, we saw a bunch of girls looking at the bulletin board. It's funny though, because whenever I see girls screaming and getting excited, I always think of Luke.

For your information, Luke is one of the most popular students here. Everytime Paris and I are with Luke, girls seeing him are like fangirls screaming and fainting and asking autographs and pictures and everything. One time, someone asked for his baby tooth and Paris and I are like 'Wtf is her problem'. Everytime it gets weirder and weirder and it's freaking me out. Sometimes I wonder why he hangs out with us.

We got near on the bulletin board and excused ourselves from the girls who are taking a picture of it as if it's someone popular. But it's not. It's not a someone. It's a something. And it's just a freaking piece of paper.

I scanned the paper and looked for something worthy to see. I was about to tell Paris that maybe Luke's in the speech laboratory when I saw it. His name is included in here. My predictions are right. It's about Luke.

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