i'll spin for you like your favourite records used to

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hey it's been so long. 

so many months.

it's only been a month. 

well, but it felt so much longer to me.

someone's had a little too much cheese today.

i see you still have your sense of humour. 

well what makes you think it'd go away in the first place.


glad some things still remained the same.

how have you been? i bet it's been great

connie... why'd you assume that?


i recalled my first name being constance, linus. 

constance... i just 

remember when you used to call me lame-nus when i tried to get on your level of sarcasm and puns

what do you want from me? 

why did you just... message me out of the blue?

i just wanted to check on how you were doing

i'm sure you could find out that information from your friends...?

yeah, bet that's what you did.



wait i'm sorry i didn't mean to offend you or snap at you 

no it's okay you don't have to apologise.

but yeah, i did ask around to see how you were doing. glad that you're happy!

maybe that's just the front i put up in front of them 

but truth to be told, i'm still pretty hung up on you.

we ended things for a reason, linus. we both had to focus on developing ourselves individually before we invest ourselves into others.

can you come over to my house tomorrow? i need to tell you something.

can't it be over text? or somewhere else?

no one will be home tomorrow except for me

oh no, this sounds horrible.

please trust me i swear i have no other intentions.

linus, i...

and when he sung favourite record, her favourite song off the album by her favourite band, she closed her eyes and reminisced the old times.

she'd put her hands up in the air and although they didn't dance to rancid or danzig, they'd head-bang to nirvana, iron maiden, green day, and even kesha at times. he'd roll down the windows, blast the radio and pump his fist in the air (with one hand on the steering wheel, of course) as he belted out the lyrics. she always knew he had a wonderful voice. rich and soothing like dark chocolate melting.

her? she'd count herself lucky if she could stay in tune. he'd laugh at her for not hitting the high notes at times but in the end he'd always say "A for affort(effort), dear connie."

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