Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The Doctor flipped a switch, then smiled at Rose, who had survived the Cyberman/Dalek attack against all odds a couple months previous.

His psychic paper started to get warm, like something was writing on it with coals, so he stepped back and flipped it open.

When are you coming? I want to come with you. Doctor. Please.

His eyes widened and he stuck the paper back in his pocket.

"Doctor?" Rose asked. "What is it?"

"A message. Someone sent me a message on my psychic paper." Speaking to the TARDIS, he said, "Alright, girl, we're finding this one quick." She hummed and he grinned. Another adventure! And this one, to find someone who knew about him, but hadn't seen him! Perfect!

"Allons-y!" he exclaimed before throwing the switch that would send him to London 2020.

As he flew, the TARDIS began to malfunction, and he ran around, being thrown to the floor by the violent shaking. "This is very, very not good. Not good at all," he muttered.

Rose held onto the jump seat tightly, but fell forward and instead grabbed the bar. "What's going on?"

"Something's wrong." His eyes widened. "Something's pulling us in!"

Eyes glinting madly with a sick look of anticipation and excitement, the Doctor grabbed ahold of the bar to keep from being thrown around anymore. "We're going on a different adventure, Rose Tyler!"

Although, it wasn't much different at all.

When the TARDIS stopped, he opened the door and sauntered out, looking around the dark street. He inhaled deeply and glanced at Rose. "London, 21st century." He looked around. "Early too, no hovercrafts around. Ah!" He licked the street. "It's got to be, ah, September, 2004! Perfect time of year! And a Thursday too! Thursday is my favorite day of the week!"

She smiled and grabbed his hand. Together they walked along the street for a moment before he looked up into the window of a house. Quaint thing as it was, it housed at least ten girls, if not more. Orphanage? He frowned.

"What's an orphanage doing in 2004 London?" Rose asked.

"I...don't know."

As he watched, the light in the window turned on and a girl appeared, looking down at him. She had short brown hair framing her face, and she gave him a funny look, like she had seen him before but couldn't place him. Upon seeing the TARDIS, she smiled and waved at him before turning the light back off.

"Strange girl," he remarked.

"I'll say."

That was the only remarkable thing about the time and place he'd landed, but when he went back to see if the girl was perhaps the thing that had pulled him in, he found every bed empty.

Further research indicated that the orphanage had been abandoned for decades. There had not been a girl there; there never had. But he had clearly seen the figure of a child looking at him. And she looked familiar too. She was just as familiar to him as he was to her, it appeared.

There was something in her eye...something the Doctor couldn't quite place. It was from a long time ago, and gave him an equally glad and depressed feeling.

Satisfied that it was nothing more than a window, which happened often-a wormhole snapping open and closed in a second, showing glimpses of the past-the Doctor returned to the TARDIS.

"Now, about this message..."

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