Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I stepped back on the TARDIS and closed the doors, sluggishly walking up to where the Doctor and Rose were discussing their wedding.

"Breanne!" Rose exclaimed. "What happened? You look upset."

"Are they that bad?" the Doctor asked.

I shook my head. "I just missed them. But I didn't see anyone I knew, which means that unless the Master had a child, there isn't any way I could be part Time Lord. I'm sorry, Doctor. I wanted it as much as you did."

He shook his head. "No, I don't think you did. Oh well. Thank you for trying, Breanne." Kissing the top of my head, he left the control room.

I followed, though only until my room, and we didn't speak to each other.

He was wrong. I did want it as much as he; I wanted him not to be alone, not to have to wake up and face the fact that his companion would never live forever, not like he would. To see them getting older each day. For all my life, he had been the only constant. I loved him as family; I couldn't bear the thought of him being so broken and sad as I'd seen him in my dreams.

Again that night, I had no dreams. I woke up frightened though, and dashed down to the Doctor's room. He had just woken up too, from the looks of it. "Breanne? What're you doing up?" he asked, standing and grabbing a shirt. I was glad he slept with pants on.

"I didn't dream again. It's scaring me."

He nodded. "We'll figure it out, Breanne. Just you wait."

I nodded and walked out, heading to the kitchen to get breakfast. There I found Rose, who smiled at me and offered to make me waffles too. "Sure, thanks."

As we were eating, she said, "You seem distracted this morning. You didn't have a dream, did you?"

"No. It's frustrating me, like there's some kind of block in my mind or-" Suddenly I cut off and collapsed off my chair screaming. A sudden migraine had pounded into my skull, and I could only feel pain. Spots danced in my vision as Rose kneeled in front of me.

"Doctor!" she shouted. "Doctor!" Her voice faded as she continued to yell, and my vision went black a second after I saw a pair of converse come streaking in.

Blackness was all I saw, like when you go on a cave tour and turn off all the lights. Except this time there were no whining children, no squeaks of wet sneakers on rock, not even weight. I was weightless, blind, and probably deaf. I couldn't speak.

Then color exploded in front of me, and if I could've screamed I would've. It was just like when your mom comes into your room in the morning and flips on the light. A sudden burst of color and energy, and it hurt.

Then suddenly I didn't hurt anymore, though I was still weightless. I was in the TARDIS. Except I couldn't move my body, and I couldn't speak. It was like my dreams.

"She's sleeping," said Rose as she walked in. This was my first dream where I was an actual person in their timeline.

"Good. She's going to need all the rest she can get."

"Doctor, what's going on?"

He looked over at her. "Honestly? I have no idea. I do not know who or what Breanne is, and I do not know why she had dreams of me and the TARDIS."

Rose gazed back at the hall, then to the floor. "She has a hole in her chest perfect for a second heart, she knows how to talk to the TARDIS, she can convince hostile aliens not to destroy whatever it is they're looking to destroy. Doctor, you've got to admit-"

"No. No, I can't do it. Not again. I can't hope for something that's never going to happen." He rubbed his face with his hand and turned to her.

She stepped forward and raised her hand to his face. "Doctor, look at all the evidence. Don't you think it's even slightly possible?"

"Of course. Of course I do, and of course I want it more than almost anything, but...if she remembers, if she was there when...she would hate me. And I can't stand to have that happen, Time Lady or not." I sighed. He was talking about Gallifrey again.

"I know, and I don't."

He stepped away from her. "You aren't a Time Lord. You didn't have friends and family there. You didn't watch as I...why do you think the Master hated me? I killed his mother, his sister, his son and daughter."

"Doctor, you did what you thought was right. And I'd rather this, right here, than to have millions of Time Lords and Ladies running around killing things because they lost their moral code in the Time War."

He nodded. "I do too. I just can't hope for Breanne to be a Time Lady, because I love her, and I couldn't stand to watch her hate me."

Before Rose responded, I returned to darkness. Weightless, shapeless, noiseless darkness.

This time there was no headache, no pain. I just opened my eyes and saw the Doctor scanning me with his sonic. "Breanne, what happened?" he asked. There was no sign in his eye of the man who had written those names on the wall, who had hoped against all reason that I was a Time Lady. Just worry and concern-for me.

"I don't know." I sat up abruptly and got dizzy; Rose caught my shoulder. "I got a huge headache, then had a dream, like I was asleep. I saw you, and Rose."

He nodded solemnly. "Stand up now." Rose was on my other side, and helped me to my feet.

"How long was I out?" I asked, fully expecting them to say around twenty or thirty minutes.

"Just a few seconds," said Rose.

In shock I jumped away from her, clutching the counter so that I didn't fall over from dizziness. "A few seconds?"

"How long was it for you?" the Doctor asked.

"Ten, fifteen minutes at least!"

Neither of them looked surprised-timey wimey and all that. But I was still shocked by the fact that I was having waking dreams instead of sleeping ones and ran.

They didn't follow me. I heard them talking though, curious as to what had happened. But me? I was panicking!

It's one thing to have dreams of a person's life when you've never met them, but it's another thing completely to have a vision about said man's life when you're awake! I threw my door closed and stared at my bed, then dashed to the chair in the corner.

Who...what...was I? Why was this happening to me? I never asked for this; I never asked to be a freak, to have freaking visions! Was it...was it because I had met the Doctor? Was that why I suddenly stopped having dreams?

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I needed to calm down. Freaking out and jumping to conclusions wasn't going to help anyone or get us anywhere. I needed to talk to the Doctor, get a proper head scan, see if he had any ideas about what was happening. Any at all.

Slowly I made my way out of my room and walked toward the control room. Rose was laughing at the Doctor, and he was smiling. "Hello, Breanne," said the Doctor. "We're off to the planet Westbrook. Completely covered in water-the people have gills there, build cities underwater."

"Sounds fun. How are we going to breathe though?"

"Right." He grabbed something from under the console, and I grimaced. It was a professional scuba diver's mask.

"Last time I wore one of those," I said, "I was coughing up seawater for a week."

"It's either this or stay here, I'm afraid." He handed one over to Rose, now completely indifferent to the shaking of the TARDIS.

She put it on almost entirely, but didn't put the piece in her mouth or over her nose. "How much air do we have?"

"Five hours' worth. Alright then, ready?" He put on his mask and I mine, and we also put on swimming clothes and covers. It was the first time I'd seen the Doctor in shorts, which probably explained the paleness of his legs.

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