When Life Shows You The Way, Run Like Hell

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When Life Shows You The Way, Run Like Hell

The heavens had opened since I had gone inside.

Not only that but a thick fog had come down so when I looked out my window, I couldn't see anything.

Putting down my book I got up to get ready for bed.

After going to the toilet, brushing my teeth and filling up my water I left the bathroom.

When I arrived at my door, all my mortal enemy's were there.

"Wow, thank you so much, this is great you would come and wish me a goodnight sleep," I smiled at them all,

"No we aren't. We are here cause you got out of your jobs without a scratch, so we decided you still need to be punished." The girl called Tracy informed me.

Yes I remember her name. Celebrate good times come on... Oh wait I'm supposed to be listening. Whoops 😂

"Okay so what is your punishment going to be?" one of the older boys wondered threatenly,

"Yeah," his young minion, possible his brother, repeated after him.

"Well how should I know, u guys are supposed to be the ones organising it," I shrugged at them, with make them even more annoyed. Result!

They all shoved my drink on the floor, as well as me, whilst putting duck tape around my mouth.

"This is so you don't scream," Tracy laughed bitterly.

I had no idea was they were going to do, as I was laying on the floor. Then it hit me as the grabbed my arm.

Shaking my head I tried to scream and beg them not to.

Laughing as they grabbed my right arm and shoved it back. A large crack made them all get up and race back to their rooms.

Laying there for a few minutes with tears in my eyes, I decided to move.

My arm was in agony, but when I looked at it, no bones were sticking out.

I will be fine in the morning. Shaking myself I took the duck tape of off my mouth and went into my darken, cold room.

They I collapsed on my bed and fell asleep.


Opening the door the girl got into the red car and plugged her seatbelt in.

The girl hit her feet on the bottom of the seat and bounced them off again.

The two people in front of her grinned as they started up the Car.

They must not have been driving for a few minutes, with lots of chatter and laughed, it happened. When the hooded man wondered onto the Road.

They swerved around him and the Car twisted around.


Waking up to a searing pain in my arm, I got up.

"Ally help," I heard someone scream outside my window.

I looked outside and saw a young boy in a still, sunny area. However a dark stormy night was surrounding him, creeping closer.

I raced downstairs and outside to save the boy.

"Hey, kid, come inside," I beckoned to the mysterious boy.

He turned around and just stared at me.

The wind started to pick up as I strolled towards the kid so I could rescue him.

As I reached him, I went out to put my arm on him and he disappeared.

For a few minutes I stood very confused.

I turned around to head back into the house but the night had already surrounded me.

There was no way to escape. In a matter of seconds I decided to walk forward, blindly back to the House.

In the night, nothing was to be seen.

I stumbled round just a tiny droplets of water had started to hit my face.

Rushing on I tried to get out of the wind and rain.

I was no use, until suddenly I could see a few metres in front of me, only to find.........

A bloody Tornado!


I ran and did not look back until all was calm.

Little did I know I was in THE EYE OF THE TIGER! Kidding it was the Tornado.

I didn't realise how high up I was until I starting falling.

That is when I blacked out
A/N =

I hope u enjoyed this completely understandable chapter 😆

skelts21 :-)

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