6. lies

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Bora's gaze went to Ada's lips and she did the same while their lips were approaching each other little by little, suddenly Ada's phone started ringing, ada quickly took a step back and saw who it was.

- Hello - Ada said

- Adacim, how are you kizim? - Ahmet bey said, Ada excused herself and went out of boras office.

- Ahmet bey, I'm good, how about you?

- I'm good, I'm good

- have you been resting? - Ada asked and Ahmet bey laughed, sometimes Ada acted like his mom, she was always making sure he didn't make too much effort and got lots of rest.

- I have been in bed all day, I got bored and I called you - Ahmet bey lie, he was busy playing with his nephew the whole day

- umm, tamam - Ada said with a questioning tone, Ahmet bey laughed.

- I saw, the article you and Bora wrote - Ahmet bey said, he knew a little bit about Ada's past

- ah Ahmet bey, I wanted to tell you before I did it but you weren't here - Ada said with a worried tone.

- it's ok kizim, is just an article

- Ahmet bey... I made a partnership with Bora's company - Ada said closing her eyes like trying to be invisible

- Ada, I told you before you don't have to ask my permission to do something, I believe in you and I know you wouldn't do something to damage our company - Ahmet said trying to calm Ada, she smiled at his response

- and I promise you that I would never harm you or your company - Ada said,  bora came out of his office and made a sign to Ada - Ahmet bey I have to go, I will talk to you later and update you on everything

- Tamam kizim, see you - Ahmet bey said, Ada hang up the call and turned around only to find bora behind her.

- Bora bey you scared me - Ada said, putting a hand to her heart.

- I apologize, Ali called me, he is asking if we are going or not

- ah, evet I'm going

- Tamam let's go then - Bora and Ada got out of the company and got in their cars then drove to Ali's house, Bora was the first one to get there since Ada had to stop and buy something, ten minutes later Ada came to Ali's house.

- Ada, hoşgeldin - Ali said opening the door - Selim is in the living room -  Ada smiled at Ali and walked inside.

- kanca - Ada said walking up to selim.

- Adacim, you came - Selim said and her eyes instantly filled with tears.

- of course, I came, I'm sorry I didn't come earlier - Ada said hugging Selim,  they hug each other for a while, Ali and Bora just smiled at the girls

- I was worried something happens to you since you don't call me - Selim said, hitting Ada's arm gently.

- I know and I'm sorry, I promise a will see you more often... - Selim looked at Ada with a serious face -...besides I brought you something- Ada gave Selim a bag, she opened it and it was her favorite candy's.

- at least you remember my favorite candy - Selim sarcastically said, Ada acted like she was offended then they hugged again.

- are you guys hungry - Ali said

- yes! - Ada quickly said

- then I will cook something - Ali said and started walking towards the kitchen.

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