9. some come, some go II

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- evet, I'm listening - Bora said with a serious face, what lies have she told me again? he thought

Ada didn't know what to do, maybe it was a good time to tell him - Bora...

- Ada abla - Elif shouted while running to Ada's arms

- Elif, bebeğim - Ada said picking the little girl up

I thought it would be nice if I brought her, Elif has had a difficult week and I thought you could help her - Bora was smiling seeing his two princesses reunited again.

- I missed you ada abla - Elif said.

- I miss you too, gel lest go to my office - Ada said and started to walk with elif still in her arms  - if you don't mind - she said to Bora 

- no I don't, bring her to my office when you're done talking - then he gave elif a kiss on her forehead. 

Ada went to her office with Elif, Tugce was left thinking about everything that had happened, Ada hadn't told Bora but she would tell him anytime, that worries her, her whole world would fall apart if they found out the truth.

So what is the problem? Why is this cute little princess sad? - Ada said as she placed elif on her laps. 

a girl annoys me at school and says ugly things to me - elif said making a sad face.

What does she tell you? - Ada grabbed her hand to give her encouragement and to open up with her.

- many things but yesterday she told me that I bring bad luck and that is why the people I love leave me - Elif said looking at the ground, Ada felt as if her heart was stabbed, she went through a similar situation unlike Elif Ada had no one to feel protected from.

you know that's not true, right? - Ada tried to make her feel better, Elif nodded in response.

are you going to leave me again? - Elif asked with tears in her eyes.

I promise you, no matter the circumstances I will not leave you alone and whenever you need me I will be there for you - ada said as a few tears fell on her cheeks.

not even if my uncle tells you to go? - another stab to Ada's heart.

Even if your uncle tells me to leave, I'm not going to do it, you know why?

- why? - Elif said

- Partly because you have nothing to do for what happens with your uncle and me, and because no matter where I go my heart is always with you. I will be with you until my last breath,  even if you ask me to go I will not do it, I'm gonna be with you like a piece of gum stuck to you - ada started tickling elif.

- dur, dur (stop, stop) - Elif said while laughing

- I will stop if you promise me to stop listening to others people's opinions.

- ok, I promise - Elif said, then Ada stop tickling her.

- do not pay attention to what other people tell you, they do it to hurt you and if they see that I hurt you they will continue to do it, okay? - Elif nodded to Ada.

- You know once a person told me that we are like a mirror, sometimes people hurt you by saying mean things to you but deep down they're just telling you how they feel so they want you to feel that way too, don't give them the pleasure of making you feel the way they want you to feel - Ada gave her a kiss on her forehead - do you feel better now?

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