14. think twice about the price

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Ada feels a little overwhelmed by all the news. She didn't like when a lot of things come together but was happy to contribute to the community.

Since she started working for Ahmet bey, she always wanted to open a library for low-income schools, she remembered how her school had limited books to read, that's one of the reasons she started writing, to provide and help other kids to have something to read.

One of the schools actually contacted her, Meryem the school principal told her that they wanted to open a library in their school but they were struggling due to their financial status, Ada quickly met her, after they talked about everything, Ada agree to help. She was on the lookout that everything necessary was brought to them, books, chairs, tables, shelves, and some toys for the kids to play with.

Bora, on the other hand, went back to Bizdeböyle.net hoping to find Ada there but she wasn't, he was hating himself for hurting her. He couldn't concentrate on his work, Ada's words were stuck in his head. 

- kuzen, passing around again - Ali said as he came into Bora's office.

 - do you need something Ali? - Bora said angrily. 

- Being in a bad mood has already become your natural habit? - Ali started laughing but he stopped when he saw Bora's expression. 

- very funny - Bora sarcastically said, then sit down on his chair. 

- what's bothering you? - Ali said, he also took a sit. 

- Ada - Bora said resting his head on the chair. 

- seems like Ada is in your head 24/7, why does it bother you now? 

- I'm have been an asshole with her, now she wants to leave. 

- you're running out of time, I see. 

- Have you ever taken something seriously in your life? - Bora was not in the mood to be joking. 

- yes, I take Selim seriously, you know even if I'm mad at her - Ali said. 

- I know you do, you don't have to tell me - Bora knew Ali was talking about the accident of the other day. 

- have you apologized to Ada? - Ali asked, Bora, shook his head - then why do you expect her to act like you did nothing? 

- what about the photos? 

- Bora, the girl is in love with you, why do you care about a photo, when you have her whole heart?

- what do you want me to do Ali? I can't control myself, my anger takes over me, I don't know what to do. 

- you know you can start by apologizing - Ali said. 

- if I try to apologize to her, she probably would not even listen to me, she's angry, very angry. 

- then do something to make her less angry, and let me tell you, having Meltem in here would not help you. 

- Meltem needs the money. 

- is Meltem or Ada, you choose - Ali said - I have to go now, I would leave you to think, btw, we were invited to united writes anniversary, kağıtustalhea.net was also invited. 

- Ada's company? 

- evet, I will see you later.

 Bora stayed there for a moment thinking about Ali's words, he didn't have to choose between Ada or Meltem because he knew Ada will always win, but right now Meltem needed the money, in order to keep Ada calm he needed to take Meltem out of the picture. 

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