13. Departing hearts

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Selim was making coffee when she saw Ada walking lost in thoughts. She immediately knew something was wrong and quickly called her.

- Ada, kanca - Selim said.

- Selim? - Ada said confused.

- ah ah, what's that face? Is not the first time you see me here - Selim said putting a cup of coffee in front of her.

- I know - Ada said while sitting down at the bar in front of Selim.

- did you tell him?

- about what? - Ada said.

- that you are leaving.

- ah, that... well, he said we still have a couple of weeks until our contract expires so I guess I'll have to wait - Ada said without looking at Selim in the eyes.

- ahh... I'm going to give this to Bora bey, do you need something before I go?

- you should take two cups of coffee, he's in an "important" meeting - Ada said rolling her eyes.

- Taman, who is it? - Selim asked while serving another cup of coffee.

- you will see when you go in - Ada simply said making Selim curious about who was it? And why Ada was upset?

She didn't say anything and took the tray and went to Bora's office, while she was walking away Ada said - God forbid you drop the coffee when you give it to her.

Selim heard Ada but just laughed and continued walking, her curiosity was growing more and more, wondering why Ada wasn't leaving anymore and why was she upset that Bora had an important meeting. All her questions were answered when she knocked on Bora's door, there she was sitting with her legs crossed while talking pretty comfortably with Bora.

- come in - Bora said.

- here is your coffee Bora bey, piril told me you had a visitor so I brought her coffee too - Selim didn't say Ada told her, she was hating Bora at the moment and didn't want to give him any kind of hope. Surprisingly Bora believed her, piril is the one that likes to gossip more in the office so is not a surprise that everyone knows that Meltem is in the office.

- thank you - Meltem said grabbing the coffee from Selim's hands.

- afiyet olsun - Selim said, then went out of the office.

Now she understood everything, Ada isn't leaving because Meltem is here with Bora, not because of the contract selim thought. She quickly went back to the cafetería where Ada was sitting talking with herself.

- Meltem - Selim said teasing Ada.

- what? - Ada try to play it like she didn't know Meltem was there.

- don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about - Selim said - is that the reason why you aren't leaving?

- no, I don't care about bora anymore, I already told you, we have a contract, I can't leave yet.

- Ada, kanca, as much as I want you to be happy, Bora doesn't deserve you - Selim grabbed Ada's hands in hers - look he didn't even apologize to you.

- I know selim, i know- Ada said, she was trying to avoid this conversation, sure Bora may not deserve her but she can stop loving him just like that, as much as she hated that he has no trust in her she still loves him eternally.

- Ada - piril said coming closer to them.

- piril - Ada said.

- I need to show you something - piril gave her phone to Ada, it was the video she took of Tugce in her office.

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