Chapter 1

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"EVERYONE ATTENTION! I wanna Annonce something" Jin said

"You know you can tell us without screaming, no wonder my ears have been hurting a lot. If you scream once again I think my ears are gonna start bleeding" Jimin answered

"Yah you bitch, you really wanna a slap, don't ya?"

"OH MY G-"

"SHUT UP! I think I'll go deaf if you guys argue again" jisoo cutted in

"Anyways what were you going to announce?"

"Oh yes I totally forgot about that, so as I was saying my lil sister coming here!"

"YOU HAVE A LITTLE SISTER?!" The girls shouted (Jisoo, Jennie, Chaeyoung )

"Umm.. yes"


"Yes she is, could you guys stop shouting people are thinking that you guys have gone crazy"

"When she is coming?" Jennie asked

"Today" Jin answered

"Where is she then" Taehyung asked

"She probably woke up late, the end result is her being late. Let me tell you right now she is running around her apartment trying to find something to wear"


Fuck fuck fuck fuck, I'm currently finding something to wear but I can't find anything I forgot to wash my clothes so i have nothing to wear.

"I'm lucky, I found a shirt and pair of shorts. Perfect! Now Lisa go get ready fast." She told herself
"Wait why am I talking to myself?"

"Makeup done, hair done, breakfast, uhh leave that"
I look at the time, shit there only 1 minute left.
Im trying to Run as fast as i can, I need to thank god for giving me long legs.

I reach after ten minutes, I'm still running trying to find my class.
"Why the heck does this college have to be so huge, mhmmmm, found it!"


As soon as Lisa entered the class, she heard her name.

"Kim Lalisa"

"Here, here" Lisa said while still catching her breath

"You're Late Ms.Kim, 10 Minutes late. You're a new student and you're already late on the first day wow" said Ms. lim

"Uhh I'm sorry i won't repeat this mistake again" Lisa says while bowing

"Are you just gonna stand here or gonna go sit?"

"Ahh ye-yes"

Author ::
This is just too cringy, I'm very proud of you if you  made it through this chapter

Your reward
Nothing :)

Your reward Nothing :)

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