Chapter 2

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Lisa survived all the classes and now it was lunch time, she was just about to call her brother but then she bumped into someone and her phone fell.


"AHH FUCK YOU" I cursed the person who just bumped into me

"sorry sorry" the mysterious girl started apologizing while picking my phone


By then everyone who were in the corridor started to gather around us

"Woah woah calm down lady, there are no cracks, here" she hands me my phone

I started checking it, they were actually no cracks.

"I would've actually murdered you if they were any"

"Well there are none"

I got up and looked at the people who crowded us, they all started go away from them while whispering things about me.

"Anyways what's your name lady?"

"Lalisa, Lisa for short"

"Ooh well, I'm jisoo"

Jisoo? I think I've heard that name before, but from where..?

"I've never seen you here, you're new?" She asked

"Yeah just joined today"

"Oh do you want to join me for lunch?"

"I'm sorry, I'm waiting for brother already"

"You have a brother?"


"Okay, I'll just leave here then, see you around!"


Aghh where is he? He's not even picking up his phone, just then my phone started to ring.

"I've been waiting for so fucking long, I'm so hungry and I can't find you anywhere. I'm literally gonna kill you when I see you!"

"Yah first of all stop cursing and second I'm in the cafeteria come here"

"How am I supposed to know where the hell is the cafeteria"

"That's for you to find out, bye"

"Hey hey wait, this bitch" he hung up

Ughh now where is the cafeteria, I started walking to who knows where.

I've been walking for straight 10 mins now, my legs hurt. I'm never gonna forgive him, just then I saw a big sign that says cafeteria.


I entered the cafeteria and I spotted my brother right away.

"I'll murder this bitch today" I muttered under my breath

I started walking towards him in a high speed, he was so busy talking that he didn't even notice my existence.


"Ahh I'm sorry Lili, i was just too hungry so that's why I didn't come to pick you up but hey look at the good side I bought you your favourite burger!" He explained

"So you chose your food over me?! Just wait and watch what I'll do to you"

"Okay okay first eat something"

When I was just about take a bite of burger someone called me.


"Oh hey jisoo! What are you doing over here?"

"You guys know each other?" Jin asked

"I bumped into Lisa while I was to the cafeteria, that's how I got to know her."

"Wait a sec, is she the one who you were talking about?" She asked

"Oh yes, let me introduce my sister to you guys"

"This is my sister, lalisa"

"YOU'RE SO PRETTY!" Chaeyoung and Jennie squealed

"Thank you!"

"Anyways let me tell who is who, that's Jennie, that's rosè, that's taehyung, that's Jimin and you already know Jisoo, she's my girlfriend remember I was talking her" he pointed at everyone

"ahh no wonder her name sounded so familiar" I muttered under my breath

"Nice to meet to you guys!" I said while picking up burger and taking a bite from it.

"Where's Jungkook? I didn't see him since morning"

I stopped chewing when I heard his name, wait why am I worrying about him he's not the only jungkook in the world

"Hey guys"

I was so into my thoughts that I didn't even realize that someone was standing behind me

"Oh hey jungkook, we were just talking about you" Jimin said

"Anyways meet my sister Lalisa"

I turned around to see who is jin talking to and I got shocked at who it was

Author's note :
A long chapter, Hope you enjoy it!

Author's note :A long chapter, Hope you enjoy it!

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