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chapter one.
17 years, 1 heartbreak

      "LET'S break up."

Everything began slowing down, she could feel the ground beneath her pulling her down. The only sense of reality lingering in the back of her head, snapped her back to her conscious. She looked up to see his face, he stared back. His eyes held sympathy.

      No, don't look at me like that. Don't pity me. It'll only make things worse.

"W-Why?" She bit back her tongue to stop the wavering sound from escaping her mouth.

"It's not working out anymore." He simply said. He shifted his weight from his right leg to his left, his hands tucked inside his school pants.

The sound of the light ding from the kitchen rung through the house, indicating that her baked pizza had just finished. That thought had left her mind as the only thing she could focus on was the boy infront of her. The heavy raindrops counteract the thick tension between them.

Not even an hour ago, she had invited him to her house informing him that her mother would be out with her friends until the next morning so she decided to use this opportunity to spend time with her boyfriend. She even wore makeup to look presentable, her plum lips were extra red as her cheeks were unnaturally in a lighter shade of pink.

      Despite the both of them being together for a solid 11 months, pushing to a year, she couldn't help but feel insecure about her appearance. She wasn't the most ugly looking person in school, but she has had some doubts, especially since she has a habit of comparing herself to other prettier girls. Even when her classmate teased her for looking 'extra', she still decided to cake up her face, ignoring all those comments.

Now all that effort went to waste as she could feel her foundation dripping down her cheeks all the way down to her chin, whether from the sweat or her tears. She didn't care anymore. She didn't care that she looked like a mess.

"But we were fine yesterday, y-you even walked me back home. You can't just say that and expect me to believe you." She reasoned.

       The tears were threatening to fall down but she was too tired to do anything about it. She needed to hear the real truth.

I can't afford to lose you, especially when I know that's not why you want to end things with me.

"Please, please. Let's fix this. I'll change, i'll do anything. Just tell me what I did wrong, please give me a chance to fix this!" She pleaded, clutching onto his arm as if it will hold onto the last strand of their relationship.

"There's nothing to fix, I just can't do this to you anymore!" He pulled away harshly.

"Do what?" She whispered, afraid that if she spoke louder, she'll end up breaking down.

"I don't love you, alright! I love someone else and-and I don't want to use you, you deserve someone better! I'm really sorry."

With that, he left her house, despite the stormy weather. It was for the better, he didn't dare to stay at her house any longer because he knew that if he did, she would offer him to stay until the rain died down. She was that kind and he couldn't take advantage of that anymore. His padded footsteps slowly becoming distant.

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