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chapter three.
bowl of calamity

      THE cigarette never left her mouth throughout her journey, the lighted stick began releasing a tantalizing hint of the lethargic, mind-numbling feeling. She could feel all her muscles ease from just that one joint. For a second, it felt like she was in heaven, all that constant pent-up anger and frustation left her body as the only feeling she could make out was the feeling of euphoria. She looked like a psychopath walking down the hallway with a cigarette in between her lips. Who in their right mind would willingly get into trouble like that?

      The lighted joint was soon replaced with an empty feeling, the sudden change of temperature in her mouth made her agitated, she whipped her head to find the culprit. Suhyeok watched as the girl who was frantically in search for her cigarette, only to see that her expression changed, receiving a look of frustation when she figured out that he was the bastard that took it away from her.

"I thought I told you to stop." He sighed.

"No. You told me to not make it into a habit." She snatched back.

"And besides, why do you care?" She walked off.

"Well, for starters, you're doing it on school grounds and you could get in trouble for that." He explained, catching up to her.

"You're lucky no ones around to witness this."

"Look, even if they did, it's on me! So stop acting as if you care when you don't." She snapped.

Hearing silence and a sudden halt behind her, she assumed Suhyeok got the memo and knew to leave her alone but what came out of his mouth made every movement in her body stop.

"Just because I broke up with you, doesn't mean you have to act like a total bitch!"


It went on for awhile, and for a second, Suhyeok regretted utteeing those words. But his pride got the best of him as he stood on his ground. He gulped when the teenage girl turned her head to the side, her back still facing him.

"It's always about you, isn't it?" She laughed bitterly, "Because I can't have any emotions as long as it has something to do with you, right?"

"This will be my last time saying this, Lee Suhyeok. Stay the hell away from me." The sound of her shoes hitting the ground was audible as her figure slowly went out of his vision.

He could only sigh in defeat.


The sound of her shoes clicked as he felt an impact on his left arm. His girlfriend had wrapped her hands around him. The sudden discomfort pained him and he discreetly removed his arm away from her touch. Boram giggled, assuming that he was shy but decided to stay in place, respecting his space.

"Let's go." He slung his backpack and walked away.

"Wait up, dummie!" She giggled once again.

He could hear the distinct chattering amongst students as he walked beside Boram.

"She's so fake."

"Why is he even dating her?"

      "I would be embarassed if I was her."

"Who would wear that amount of makeup to school, especially with her glasses like that."

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