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chapter eight.
part three; a losing thread

"SUHYEOK, please wait up!" Her heavy footsteps echoed, panting slightly from exhaustion.

The figure came to a halt, which made Boram bumped into his tall physique carelessly. Losing her balance, the clumsy girl stumbled a couple feet back as she was caught off guard by the sudden abruptness. Silently thankful that the boy had finally acknowledged her calls.

The first couple of days after the party felt like a total misery. Everything felt surreal. Boram could only recalled the sickening memory only after she had left the party, having abandoned by her friends, much to their delight and was forced to walk home alone in the middle of the night, in the blurry fog of the cold. She knew better than to be alone after the whole fued she had caused. Boram figured that the whole situatuon would've died down by then... oh how wrong she was.

In contrary, it made everything worse. After the huge fight, the halls felt more blaring than it was before. And it wasn't the usual kind of light chatter amongst the students. No. It was murmurs and whispers with absolute hatred and disgust were looming around the school halls, alongside with judgemental glares that were thrown in... her way. Boram was more than aware by now and deep down, the cause behind these gossips made her sick to the stomach that it was almost nauseating.

"Isn't she with Suhyeok?" A voice whispered.

"She probably tried to bang his friend.' Another accused.

"God, what a slut." A faint gag followed by multipled giggling.

"She should be lucky that Suhyeok put up with that wretch!" That one hit hard.

She felt utterly sick. She couldn't believe that people were easily blinded by the truth of the situation. How was she the one at fault? She never asked for this, she never asked to be dragged into the party, she never asked to be touched, she never asked for anything. And if Gyeong-Su could understand, why couldn't everyone?

If the accusations weren't enough, she coulf feel as if all of those condemnatory eyes were on her now, watching her every move with such scrutinizing detail. Just waiting for the perfect opportunity to spread a hateful lie against her. She felt uneasy knowing that the rumours had circulated around the school block so quickly within a few days and she was afraid that Suhyeok would catch onto it and believe those stupid gossips. He knew better, right?

"What do you want, Boram." His tone sounded firm and Boram shivered at the harshness of his voice.

"You've been ignoring me all day." Boram stated dumbly, shifting her gaze towards her feet as she couldn't handle the hard look from the exasperated boy.

The girl was slightly relieved that the both of them were at the school field, having barely any nosy students around to witness the distressed couple. It was as if the rumours couldn't get any worse, she feared that her relationship would be on the line and she wouldn't dare to risk it all over a damn lie. She cared about him, more than she should.

Suhyeok sighed, "I wasn't ignoring you."

Boram couldn't help but scoff and his blatant lie, anybody with some sensibleness could've figured out that he is, in fact avoiding the girl. Boram felt the last strip of patience slowly tearing down by the last thread, she has had enough of being walked around on and she was more than willing to give Suhyeok a piece of her mind.

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