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chapter six.
part one; (not) reminiscing the past


      "LEAVE me alone!"

"Not until you know when to back away from her boyfriend!"

Hyeon-Ju watched in amusement as Min Eun-Ji was on the brink of breaking down. The frailed girl stood in defeat as she took in the punches and kicks being received, her desperate cries was useless as the door to the bathroom was closed and locked securely. She could only begged relentlessly, the pain being too unbearable for her to handle as she collapse to the ground in agony.

"I think that's enough." Boram uttered weakly. Her hold on the door handle tightened

"What? Are you serious? This girl has been trying to steal Suhyeok away from you, i'm only trying to help."

"She'll get the memo." She looked away, her tone held more urgency as she tapped her foot continuously.

"Gee, you're no fun." Hyeon-Ju scoffed before stomping off.

The sound of the door slamming echoed through the four-walled room. The two remaining girls in the bathroom only stared at each other. It was quiet. Too quiet. Yet, the look Eun-Ji gave Boram told her everything. Why? Why are you doing this? It seems as if everything in her eyes held pain. The same pain she felt when she watched the wounded girl continuously being tormented. She watched. And watched. But did nothing. The pusillanimity in her knew Hyeon-Ju wouldn't like that and it frustates her that she could care for someone so remourseless at a time like this. A part of her knew it was done out of fear. The said girl dugged through the pockets of her skirt to retrieve her handkerchief. With steady steps, she walked over the wrecked girl.

"Here. Take this." She offered.

Her hand was outstrectched only to have it smacked aside harshly, Boram winched silently at the sudden force.

"Fuck off!" Eun-Ji snarled.

"I'm sorry." Boram whispered softly.

Eun-Ji laughed heartlessly. "You must really love saying that." She began. "You know, I thought that you actually cared about anyone else other than yourself but you're just the same. You are nothing but a fucking pussy and I hope you and your friends rot in hell."

You're nothing like what your father thought you were.

Boram nodded slowly, proccessing the words that fell from the said girl's mouth. She knew she didn't have any rights but deep down, her heart shattered at the thought that her once best friend has had enough of her act. She couldn't blame her, in anything she blamed herself. So with a heavy heart, she walked away but not before gently grabbing Eun-Ji's hand to place the handkerchief. Her sobs could be heard as Boram shut the door behind her.

"WHAT took you so long." Hyeon-Ju asked annoyedly. Her hands twirling in between her hair as she chewed obnoxiously on her gum.

Boram groaned internally.

"I had to give her a piece of my mind." She lied as she trudged her way to her seat.

"What are you ladies up to?" A voice suddenly appeared behind the duo, the abruptness of the noise made Boram flinched.

"Ugh! Do you have any personal boundaries?" Hyeon-Ju whined as she pushed off the said boy.

"I'm Chang-Hoon. Girls love me being all over them." He said smugly. The hold he had on Boram's shoulder tightened as he showed her his smirk.

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