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chapter four.
girl vs monster

TO be delusional is to forget. Boram wanted to ignore the reality of what she has perceived in her eyes. Everything was painfully agitating, the cafeteria was errupted with chaos as the remains of the outside eeriely made it's way through the cafeteria. The sight grossed her out. The gruesome glimpse of the tinted glassed door was enough to terrify the teenage girl. No. No amount of words was enough to describe the abhorrent and formidable seeing of horridness.

Whatever it was, it isn't human, not anymore that is. Their animalistic behaviour and the giant gash of blood as the chillingly montrous sound escaped its mouth. Boram could only stare in utter shock and disbelief as those creatures came crashing through the glass door, shattering it into pieces as it began devouring other students in the cafeteria, like a ravenous predator hunting it's vulnerable prey.

She was quick on her feet, fortunately. Grabbing the nearest weapon, which happened to be an empty lunch tray, and with all her strength, she striked the rectangular-shaped metal across the creature's face that was rushing its way towards her, the blood began gushing out of it's mouth, piling up the blood that has spilled on the green and orange tiled floor as it had lost its balanced and fell on the ground with a loud thud. That gave her enough time to escape.


She looked around. Her surroundings were nothing but pure hell. Students were lying on the ground, pool of blood seeping out. Their organs were horrendously out in the open as the agonizing scream echoed through the cafeteria. Students were dead. Others were fending off against those creatures. It didn't make it any better that those creatures held similiar features of what was once her recognisable schoolmates.

"Boram! Are you okay?" Gyeong-Su came into the view, his hands caressing her slightly blood-out face as he quickly pulled her away from the scene.

Sprinklers went off and the madness only continued. Gyeong-Su held onto Boram's hand. His grip tightened as he sprinted his way out, Boram trailing behind.

It was too much.

Too much for Boram to handle.

"Stop! Stop!"

"We can't! Just hold on for a few more!" He pushed on.

The two teens only managed to make their way out of the cafeteria only to come across more of those creatures, the numbers were slowly increasing as those creatures contaminated other students. Her breathing became haggard and she was slowly losing her conscious.

"No, no. Not now. Boram, you have to stay strong!" Gyeong-Su reasurred when he realised the girl had released her grip on him and was a few feet away from his.

"I can't breath, i need my inhaler." Her face was pale.

"We'll get it soon, we'll find it upstairs okay? Just hold on a little longer."

Without receiving a confirmation from the worn-out girl, he picked her up in a piggyback style and began running as fast as he could to get the both of them to safety. Despite those creatures trailing behind him, the only thing he could focus on was the raddled girl in his arms.

"DON'T let them in! They could be infected!" Na-Yeon warned.

Unfortunately, Gyeong-Su wasn't able to retrieve Boram's inhaler as he promised and was left with no other choice but to go to a safer part of the school. On the slightly brighter side, the frantic boy was able to find a nearby class with his classmates inside, too tired to think, he decided to hide there with them in the meantime for all this madness to end, Boram clungling behind him.

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