Part 2

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"Alright, and that's it for today. See you all tomorrow."

I breathe a sigh of relief at my professors words, quickly gathering my things before standing from my seat. It's been a long first day, and I'm ready to relax and unwind. I walk down the stairs of my lecture hall quickly, before pulling out my phone and sending the group chat a quick text so she knew I'd be home and alive soon. The girls invited me to their yearly 'first day of classes dinner debrief', which we'll be going to as soon as I get back to my dorm room. 

My feet move fast through courtyards upon courtyards, and I keep my eyes peeled for potential threats. You can never be too careful who you come across in life, I know that one all too well myself. It's the whole reason I'm here.

Keeping my head low, I make the final steps to the doors of the dorm building, the familiar loud voices filling my ears once again. I quickly make my way up the stairs and round the corner, pulling out my key as I reach the safety of room 203. I push open the door, and let out a deep breathe as I enter the room. The girls are perched around the room, and I throw my bag down on my bed before walking to my closet. 

"Hey Nat, how were your classes?" Persephone asks as I throw off the sweatshirt I've been wearing all day.

"Alright I guess, I'm just gonna change my jumper quickly and then we can go." I explain, pulling a sweater off of a hanger.

"You don't have to get dressed up or anything, we're just going to go to a diner." Melanie says, as the girls gather their things.

"Oh it's not for that, I spilt my tea all over my sweatshirt in my lecture today, I'm not the most graceful." I add with a laugh, pulling my head through the top of the sweater.

The girls laugh softly, before opening the door and heading out. I quickly pick up my tote bag again, following them out of the door. We walk down the stairs together, and cross another of the courtyards towards the parking lot. We reach Lera's car, and hop in. Someone connects their phone to the aux, and in no time, 'Don't Blame Me' by Taylor Swift is blasting through the speakers. I've really hit the jackpot here, a group of friends who are also Swifties. Heaven.

The diner is only around a 10 minute drive from campus, which is spent singing and dancing together. We pull up in front of the diner, it's bright lights illuminating the dark car. The music is disconnected, seatbelts are unfastened, and car doors are being open and shut in only a matter of seconds. I follow the girls through the large doors, and to a cozy looking booth in the corner of the diner. We quickly flick through the menus, before ordering burgers and fries. 

"Okay, so how was everyone's first days?" I ask, pointing at Melanie first to indicate for her to speak. She takes a deep breathe, massaging her forehead for a second before finding her response. 

"Well, the first swim training of the year was pretty good, but, uh, Bailey was back this year, and somehow more annoying then ever before."

"Ooh, who's Bailey, tell me more." I reply, folding my hands in front of me on the table.

"He's an annoying, egotistical jerk who thinks he's the best swimmer on the team, and better than me, which is only true because he's nearly a whole foot taller than me. I have beaten him before, but it's only because of his stupid long body length that he can consistently beat me. And it's not like he's subtle with it either, he takes every opportunity to rub it in my face that he beat me. Like, has he ever heard of being humble? Oh, and he thinks just because he's studying psychology he can attempt to play these mind games on me? Like, you imbecile, I'm not that weak." she continues, and I'm surprised she can fit that much in in only one breathe. Must be the swimmers diaphragm. "But, apart from that, my actual classes were pretty good, although I will die if I have to answer one more icebreaker question. I don't know how answering icebreakers will allow me to grow a business."

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