Part 26

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"Ugh, if I ever have to open a textbook again I will die." Melanie groans, flopping down beside me on my bed. Sighs of agreement float around the room as I hand her an already prepared cup of coffee. She mumbles a thankyou as I take a sip of my own mug, lifting my glasses slightly to avoid fogging them up.

"So, what's everyone doing for Christmas?" Persephone asks from across the room, sipping her cup of tea steadily. Boom, one more converted.

"Christian and I will just hang around our families houses, I don't know who's hosting this year." Lera says, running a hand through her hair.

"Is your mom excited to see Claudia?" Melanie asks, moving one of my pillows to rest underneath her back.

"Ugh, she spoils her so much it's insane." Lera replies, rolling her eyes before gesturing for me to speak.

"Well, I don't really know yet. Apparently Casey's family usually do a Christmas get together thing on the 27th of December, so I'll probably go with him up there. As for my own family..." I trail off, taking a deep breath. "I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I mean, I haven't spoken to my mom in ages, and I just... I don't know. I'll call her soon, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to be back there so soon."

All the girls send me reassuring smiles, their lips pressed into a tight line.

"I mean, if Casey's going with you that should make it more manageable. But, call us anytime, we'll be here if you need." Persephone says, her eyes full of kindness.

"Thanks guys, that means a lot. Now Pers, your turn."

Persephone sighs, lowering her shoulders before she speaks.

"I'm going back home, not that I'm looking forward to it much. It's always just so... loud and busy and stressful, and I'm just not sure how my head will cope." Persephone's parents and older brother run a large company down in New Haven, and by the sounds of it, family gatherings are always hectic.

"Are you going to see the doctor soon for your head? You shouldn't have to be in pain all the time, and it's probably best to get on the issue earlier rather than later." Melanie adds, sipping her coffee while shifting in her seat.

"Yeah, I've booked an appointment with my doctor for the start of January." Persephone replies, scrunching her eyes together for a second before flicking them back open.

"That's good, keep us updated." I say, my face broadening into a small smile.

"I will, Mel, your turn."

"Well, I'll go back home and stay with my moms. They just adopted another baby girl, I'm afraid it screams." she says, shuddering dramatically. Melanie is the odd-one-out, her family originally from San Diego.

"Ugh, I hate families sometimes." I state, causing a trail of hmphs to fly around the room.

"See, this is why love shouldn't happen. Then, kids don't have to end up going home at Christmas to extended families they don't really want to be around or screaming children, well, excluding your perfect family Lera." Melanie contends as Lera scoffs from across the room.

"Excuse me, my family isn't perfect." she says, throwing a pillow at Melanie's head.

"No, you're just best friends with everyone in both sides of your family, and everyone in your family is amazing and nice and good to be around." Melanie dodges another pillow, sinking further into my bed.

"Just think, it's only a few days before we'll be back and away from all of them." My voice cuts through the crisp air, leaning back against my pillow.

"A few too many if that kid screams."

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