Part 16

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My keys swing in my hand as I walk out of my apartment, a travel bag shrugged over my shoulder. The cool morning air hits my cheeks as I throw open my buildings glass door, my feet hitting the crunchy gravel that sits on the ground. I walk the short distance to my car, opening it's back door to dump my bag before I move to the drivers seat. I whip out my phone, sending my mom a quick text to tell her I'm leaving before I start my car. Sound blasts from my speakers, as I reach for the volume nozzle, turning it down until the music is simply background noise. My arm hooks around the back of the passenger seat as I send my car into reverse, backing out of the small parking space before turning left towards the exit of the lot. 

I pull out towards a main road, where my journey begins. My eyes wander to the passenger side, a pang in my chest as I realize no one's there. She's not there. It sounds pathetic, but she makes everything easier and more bearable, by just being around. The drive from here to my parents new place in Manhattan is only around 4 hours away, but without her here talking, I'm sure it'll feel like longer. 

My fingers drum against the steering wheel as I drive along the long, never-ending roads, my mind wandering over everything that's happened in the past few weeks.

From thinking like there wasn't much left to live for, to re-meeting the one girl who's made me feel like I have a purpose, a need to be here. To then falling more in love with said girl everyday I spend with her, and every time I hear her voice. To all the stolen looks or smiles, the way I'm always able to catch when her lips move into that curve I could never stop obsessing over. To the longer than long phone conversations where our feet are pressed up against the wall, where everything feels so perfectly right. To holding her close as she cries, to being that person that she can talk to about anything. To being there at just the right time, to protect her against all the bad in her life. And finally, to kissing her. To the feeling of her soft lips against mine, the way our foreheads were able to lean against each others so well, like we were molded entirely for the purpose of the other. Like she was meant for me, and I was meant for her.

"It's Natalieee! Pick up the phonnnnee!" My phone rings, scaring me out of my thoughts. I reach across to my dashboard, pressing accept before leaning back in my seat.

"Not going to lie, that ringtone scared me for a second." I say, hearing her laugh on the other end of the line. 

A few days ago, Natalie insisted that we record our own ringtones for each others contact. Let's just say, it's been quite entertaining. 

"Hey, are you calling me scary?" she retorts sarcastically, snorting softly. 

"Nat, you're the least scary person I know, I just wasn't expecting to hear the ringtone." I reply, flicking my indicators on and off to move between lanes.

"Haha. Very funny."

We fall into comfortable silence, even over a phone line. That's the thing with her, everything is so easy, nothing is awkward or uncomfortable, everything just feels natural. 

"So, what are your big plans for this wonderful weekend? Sorry I couldn't be there with you." I say, breaking our silence. 

"Well, I plan to do a bit of writing from the safety of my dorm room, and I might go out with the girls to grab dinner, I'm not really sure yet. Oh, and homework, there's a bit of that. Are you driving now?" she says, almost as if her mind is scanning a to-do list inside of her head.

"Yeah, I left around 20 minutes ago, I would've called you earlier but I wasn't sure if you'd still be asleep." I would've brought Nat with me to see my parents, but I didn't want to overwhelm her when everything with us is still so new. Another time, I'll bring her along, and everyone will love her, I'm sure of it.

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