Chapter 26

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"Where did he go?!" The guards shouted, looking around looking for Lust.

Lust could only grin as he saw them panicking, walking around and slipped through another hall.

"Guess this ability is useful after all." He murmured, and let himself be visible once he's out of reach.

Lust started walking around again, as he walked deeper into the large hallway the brighter it was. Until he came across a door, it was old and chipped, like it could collapse the moment he opened it. The door knob was rusty and felt weird as he grabbed it.

He twisted the door knob slowly. The door opened with a loud creak, Lust cringed at the distasteful sound it's making.

The room was dark yet darker, you can barely make out anything in the room. Lust took a deep breath and went in. Hoping that nothing was in here that could kill or eat him whole.

He slowly closed the door, summoning another electric ball. It could barely light the room, but he can manage, nothing could be better than this.

The ball of magic in his hands sparked and fizzled, occasionally making a buzzing sound. He maneuvered around the room, checking every corner trying to look for something useful.

As he walked around, he tripped over something. Moaning in pain as he fell face first in the ground. Cursing in all the gods above,  he slowly got up, his face still in pain.

Lust looked at the thing that tripped him, it was a box. A medium one at that, it has weird carvings in it (in which he could somehow recognize). It was a puzzle box. An easy one at that.

Lust slowly solved the puzzle and opened the box. Inside it were two letters. Each envelope has different colors. Red and Blue.

He opened the blue one first, strangely enough, there were symbols. Wingdings to be exact. And since he's not fluent with Wingdings, he decided to keep it, just in case someone knows how to read it.

Lust opened the red one next, and same as the blue one, it was also Wingdings. He also kept it and placed the box down back to the ground.

He walked around some more, also patting the walls at the process (who knows, there might be a door around here). And he was not mistaken, there was a door. It's made out of iron. Strange… Why is there an iron door in a very dark room?

Could it be a secret passageway to hell or some shit? He tried pushing the door, yet it wouldn't budge. Maybe it needs a key? Fair enough, if it's an iron door, pretty sure there's some kind of exclusive stuff in there.

Author's Note:


The magic that Lust used was Stealth, it was inspired by many stuff and thought "oh hey, it might be good idea to add in to the plot."

I'll stop there for now, the big stuff will be on New Year.

Merry Christmas and Advanced Happy New Year everyone!

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