Chapter 10

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"I call Truth!" Dream responded, and smirked. Nightmare grinned, and thought of a better question.

"Hm, why were you so obsessed with Ink, before?" Nightmare asked, with his usual wide grin. Dream shrunk back down, and thought of the right words to respond.

"Because, I used to love him so dearly?" Dream replied, yet he was unsure of his own words. Nightmare shook his skull, and face palmed.

"You sure? You sound like, you're not sure of your own answer." Ink chuckled, and took a sip of his own drink. Dream shook his head, and leaned his skull on the table.

"Geno, truth or dare?" Dream asked, Geno jumped slightly, he was startled by the unexpected question.

"Uh, dare?" Geno replied, he's hoping he won't regret it. Dream smirked mischievously and laughed evilly.

"Something's clearly wrong with you, Dream." Blue mumbled under his breath. Dream glared at Blue, while Blue smiled at him innocently.

"I heard that!" Dream exclaimed, and pouted.

"Who said you didn't?" Blue replied, and smirked slyly. He received a few, 'oooo's from the group.

"Meanie." Dream pouted, and only to be kissed by Killer. Nightmare started glaring at Killer, while Killer looked at him questioningly.

"Alright, alright, back to the Truth or Dare. Just tell Geno the dare, Dream." Ink interrupted, Geno let out a groan of disappointment, since Ink reminded Dream about it.

"Oh right, the dare! Hmm, Geno I dare you to throw Error, across the bar!" Dream exclaimed, with a toothy smile. Geno's eye sockets went wide.

"No! He's my brother! Why the hell would I do that?!" Geno glared daggers at Dream, while the other smiled innocently. Ink and Nightmare snorted, while Blue and Lust facepalmed.

"It's a dare Geno, unless you want to switch to truth?" Lust chimed in.

"I'll switch to truth, I don't want to hurt my brother." Geno replied, Dream nodded and pondered deep within his thoughts for a question.

"Hmm, why'd you come here with us?" Dream asked, with a small smile. Geno froze on his seat, which worried Dream, Lust, Blue and Ink. While Nightmare just looked at him.

"I-" Geno cut off his sentence and didn't wish to continue his answer. "I'll just switch back to Dare."

"Woah, nice choice, thought you didn't want to hurt your brother?" Nightmare asked, amusement glinting on his pupils(?)

"Eh, it'll ruin the fun, if I go with truth." Geno shrugged, all of his earlier thoughts quickly vanished, and being replaced by new ones.

"Geno, throw Error across the bar!" Dream chirped, and clapped happily. Ink and Blue shook their head in disappointment, while Lust shrugged. Nightmare was also worried about his brother's mental health.

Geno stood up, with a sigh. He didn't really wanna do this but he has to, he don't have to tell anyone bout his problems. It would just burden them.

"Go Geno!" Dream cheered, earning a few snickers from the group.

"Screw you, Dream!" Geno shot back, and smiled slightly. Geno then picked Error up, earning a confused look from Error.

"H-huh? Geno? What are you doing?" Error asked, and looked at his brother.

"You'll see!" Nightmare smirked. Error was about to ask another question, but it was cut off by a loud shriek. When Geno, threw him off.

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