Chapter 19

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Error sat quietly in his seat, staring at his notes with clear boredom. Killer also sat beside him, tapping the desk with his pen, while staring off into space.

"-class dismissed. Make sure to study for the upcoming quiz." The Professor said, cleaning off his desk.

The students let out a cheer. They were finally freed. Error closed his notebook, cleaning off his desk, and placed all his things inside his backpack. Killer also did the same, yawning as he did so.

"That was boring, wasn't it?" Killer spoke, slinging his backpack to his shoulder.

"Yeah, it was." Error replied, checking under the desk if he left something, but there was none.

"C'mon, dude."

Error and Killer talked, while making their way out. Suddenly, Error felt his non-existent gut twist. A horrible feeling of dread eating him up. But what was this dread about? What's it referring to?

"You okay, Error? You look tense." Killer asked, waving his hand in front of Error's face.

Error snapped out of his thoughts, shaking his head, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Finally noticing that he was tense, he let his shoulder slump back as he forced himself to relax. Error took a deep breath, shaking away his invading thoughts.

"Let's go." Error said, Killer looked at him with worry, but decided to drop the topic.

Both of them made their way to the usual spot they always hang out on. Blue was already there, with Cross. Blue was talking animatedly, while Cross kept nodding, currently lost in thought.

Blue noticed their arrival and waved enthusiastically, Error nodded in greeting, while Killer waved back.

"Hey guys, the others not here yet?" Killer asked, taking a seat next to Cross, who almost jumped ten feet in the air.

"Nah, Dream was here, but he left his notebook back at his class, so he went to retrieve it. Dust went to his locker, probably to stuff his things there, and the others are not here yet." Blue replied, staring at the grassy ground beneath him.

"Cross, you okay? You look lost in thought." Error pointed out, Cross nodded mindlessly.

"Don't worry, Error! He's just...missing Nightmare." Blue said, whispering the last part.

Error made an 'oh' sound, before going quiet again. He looked around, trying to spot someone he knew.

He spotted Sci and Fell. He didn't know that these two went to the same college as them. But oh well.

Error looked around again, spotting a pair from High School. It was that one black haired girl and the brown haired guy. What was their name? Clara and Zeke? Or was that Claire and Drake?

Error couldn't remember, but all he knew was that, these two had a love-hate relationship. From what he had observed anyway.

Error felt his non existent gut twist again. Dread washes over his body like water.

"Error, you okay?" Blue asked, lightly tapping Error's shoulder.

Error yelped, stumbling away from Blue. Once he realized that it was just his best friend, he relaxed, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"If you say so." Blue replied worriedly, dropping the subject, even though he didn't buy it.

"Oh shi-

Killer screeched as he started laughing, pointing at something from afar. Error, Blue, and Cross -who almost fell from his seat- looked at the thing Killer was pointing at.

Blue and Error started laughing as Cross squinted. Was he still in his mind? Or was he in reality?

"Is that….who I think it is?" Cross asked, squinting yet again.

"Oh gosh! This is hilarious!" Killer wheezed out, slapping his bony lap as he laughed again.

From afar, it was Nightmare wearing something A grumpy expression on his face as he walked.

'Why is Nightmare wearing high heeled boots? It's pink too! I remember him swearing to his life when he said that he'll never wear something pink or something that is an 'eyesore'.' Cross thought as he watched Nightmare approach them.

Nightmare finally made it to their spot, grumbling curses under his breath as he sat down.

"Nightmare, why are you wearing that?" Blue asked, pointing at the heeled boots.

"I lost a bet with Lust, and he made me wear this. I don't even know that he has this, he just pulled it out of nowhere." Nightmare grumbled, glaring sharply at his boots.

"What was the bet?" Error asked, recovering from his laughing fit.

"We had a bet of who will laugh first, after seeing our bald substitute Teacher."

Killer choked, slapping his chest. Nightmare smirked, "Good for you, asshole."

"Guys! Thank god you're all here." Dream said, making his way to them with Lust, Dust and Horror. He looked frantic.

"What's up, Dream?" Killer asked, patting the space between him and Nightmare.

Dream shook his head, "I found Ink's phone down the hallway earlier, when I was making my way to the Chemistry building." Dream handed Ink's phone to them, letting them inspect it.

"That is indeed Ink's phone, I saw him a couple of times pulling that out of his pocket." Error pointed out, looking at the brown colored case.

"Do you think he dropped it while making his way to his classroom?" Cross asked, raising an eyebrow.

"But, didn't he say that he had Math? Not Chemistry." Killer said, looking at the phone then back at everyone.

"Yeah, he did, don't you think it's suspicious? I mean, he would have noticed if his phone had fallen out of his pocket." Lust chimed in, his eyebrows furrowed.

"It is suspicious, I wonder what happened." Dream muttered, thinking of some possible ways of how his phone had fallen out.

"Maybe his pockets have holes in it?" Cross suggested, a feeling of worry bubbling up.

"We don't know, Cross. Let's just wait for him." Dream replied, smiling up at him, even though he's worried himself.


Little did they know, he's not showing up.


Sorry for not updating y'all! Just got busy with my modules, my parents would kill me if I don't do it. It's pretty important y'know? So, I hope you understand.

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