Chapter 13

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"It's mom." Ink replied, with a frown. His mom won't call him, unless it's urgent. He tapped the accept button, and placed the phone on his ear(?).

"Sweetie, are you okay there?" His mom asked, through the phone. Her tone of voice, was clearly distressed and worried.

"Yeah, why? And how about you? You okay there?" Ink asked, he's also worried about his mom.

"Yeah, I'm fine here, but listen, someone's out there to hunt you down, so please be careful." His mom replied, she was pleading.

"Huh- what do you mean? Are you sure?" Ink asked. He doesn't know if his mom was pulling a sick prank on him, like what she did last time.

"Yes, I'm sure! Please, be careful!" His mom was pleading, Ink sighed.

"I will, mom, don't worry, I'll be more careful." Ink replied, his mom sighed in relief.

"I....I love you sweetie, please be careful." His mom said, Ink could hear her sobbing through the phone.

"I love you too, mom, and you too, be careful." Ink replied.

"I will, be safe, okay? I have to go, bye sweetie, I love you." His mom stated, and hung up.

"So? What did she say?" Error suddenly asked, making Ink jump for about 10 feet in the air.

"Error what the frick?!" Ink yelled, Error looked at him with a face full of confusion.

"What? You completely forgot my existence?" Error asked, Ink rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Almost, but not completely." Ink replied, and shrugged. Error facepalmed.

"Anyways, what did your mom say?" Error asked, Ink went completely stiff.

"She said that, someone's after me." Ink replied, with a stone cold face. Error has never seen this side of him, and most importantly.... What does he mean that someone's after him?!

"What?!" Error exclaimed, Ink looked at him with a deadpanned look.

"I told you, someone's after me." Ink replied.

"Why are you so calm about this?! Aren't you worried about your life?!" Error yelled, Ink sighed this is not the first time that someone was after him.

"This isn't the first time, that someone's after me, Error. I'm used to it." Ink assured the other, but it only seem to worsen the situation.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck! Someone keeps on hunting you down?!"

"Well....yeah. Back in Canada." Ink replied, with a sheepish grin.

"Ink! It's your life on the line, don't be so calm about this!" Error yelled again.

"Well, panicking isn't that helpful anyway." Ink shrugged.

"You''re not wrong." Error admitted.

"Of course!" Ink exclaimed, and slung an arm around Error's shoulder and grinned.

"Let's go?" Error asked, Ink nodded as his response.

"Off we go!" Ink exclaimed, and trudged down the path.

~•???'s POV•~

"Ugh! Where the hell is he?!" I yelled, and slammed my hands against the wooden desk.

"M-ma'am, calm down." My butler said, as he sweats nervously.

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