Trying Something New

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Faith POV

I have a elbow pads and knee pads along with my helmet in my bag but I was to lazy to put them on. At some point Felix had noticed me and started to walk beside me. I noticed he still had his leash attached to his harness so I carefully bent down to pick it up and let him pull me with him for a while.

Eventually I had unclipped the leash and started to go on my own with Felix beside me at a safe distance so I wouldn't accidently skate over him. When I had gone all the way around I noticed the others watching me. I'm still getting used to them being from the past so sometimes it slips my mind. "What?" "What are you wearing?" Even though I've been with them for a few days I'm still not used to how monotone Muchiro is.

"There called roller skates, I usually wear them because I like to roller skate." "That looks fun! Can I try!" Sometimes I forget how loud Mitsuri's voice can get when she's excited or happy. "Sure but I'm gonna get the knee and elbow pads before I show you how to roller skate." I took them off and put my normal shoes back on and gave my roller skates to Mitsuri, thankfully there adjustable so they should fit.

I got my pads and helped Mitsuri put them on and taught her how to balance herself. She got the hang of it a lot faster than I thought she would. "C-can I try to?" I turned to my left to see Kanao standing next to me. "Sure I'll tell Mitsuri so she can help you to." 

I noticed that before Kanao makes a decision she always flips a coin before deciding, but she has started to make decisions on her own. I wanted to ask about the coin but I figured it was none of my business. Once Mitsuri was finished we both helped Kanao balance herself so she didn't fall over. I noticed Mitsuri suddenly got distracted and started looking around. 

"Uh...Faith do you know if there's a bathroom here." "Oh yeah." "Can you please show me where it is?" I knew that Mitsuri might get lost because the closes bathroom is inside the community building across the street, but I didn't wanna leave Kanao by herself. "Is something wrong?" When I turned around I see Tanjiro walking towards us. "Uh yeah, Tanjiro can you help Kanao balance so she doesn't fall I have to show Mitsuri where the bathroom is." "Sure."

I saw him take Kanao's hand and help her balance then me and Mitsuri left across the street.

Tanjiro POV

When Faith and Mitsuri left Kanao was doing her best to try to move and not fall over. I don't get how Mitsuri was able to learn so fast. I noticed Kanao was starting to make decisions on her own instead of flipping her coin like when we first met, maybe she's taking to what I said to heart.

I could smell jealousy behind me, most likely coming from Zenitsu for being so close to a girl. "Tanjiro do you think you can help me move forward a little faster." "Sure  thing Kanao." I started to walk at a normal pace instead of walking slowly like I was. Kanao lost her balance a few times so I held her left hand with my own and I had my right hand behind her back so she wouldn't fall backwards. I noticed she was blushing a bit but I don't know why.

I was a bit embarrassed because I've never been this close to her before. I was surprised that Kanao was able to keep herself from falling when she was moving slowly. I didn't think that anyone could balance wearing something like this since they only have one row of wheels.

"Ara~Ara you two seem to be having fun." When me and Kanao looked we saw Shinobu walking up to us and she was dragging Tomioka behind her. "Kocho, why are you dragging me around." Now that I think about it Tomioka had been getting pulled around by Shinobu since we left. She smiled like she usually does and she opens her mouth to reply but before she does Felix barks at Inoskue who had the ball he was playing with. When he did I smelled a bit of uneasiness coming from Shinobu. "Shinobu, are you afraid of dogs." She looked at be to reply but Tomioka cut her off.

"Remember at the house when we first arrived here, I mentioned that Kocho was afraid of furry animals." 'So that's why Shinobu never goes in the backyard with Felix.' I noticed that Shinobu was holding onto the sleeve of Tomioka's sweater that Faith and Mitsuri got him.

"By the way where did Kanroji and Faith go? Last time I saw them they where helping Kanao." "Oh I think Faith was showing Mitsuri where something was." While I was talking to Shinobu I saw Faith and Mitsuri exiting a large building. Tomioka seemed to notice my attention shift away from the conversation and looked in the same direction I was.

When they came over to us Mitsuri decided to go talk with Obanai and Faith was in the field with Inoskue and Felix, leaving me and Kanao alone again. After a while she decided to stop for now and I helped her sit down on a bench so she could take the roller skates off. 

Muchiro POV

I was walking around when I saw something, I think that girl called it a play ground? I noticed a swing so I decided to sit on it while I looked at the clouds. "What was that girls name again?" I was talking to myself so I was a bit surprised when I heard a answer. "Her name's Faith." When I looked over I saw Genya walking over to me and sitting on the swing next to me. 

For some reason something about Genya was different than the others, I also couldn't forget his as easily when I met him. "Hey." We both sat in silence looking at the sky. I was so lost in thought I didn't notice when he stood up and started to push the swing I was sitting on. At first I was confused about what he was doing but it started to get really fun. However after a few minutes Rengoku told us that we should head back before it get's dark, Genya helped me stop the swing from moving so I could get off then we joined the others and walked home.

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