Chapter 2

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(Warning: there is self harm and violence in this chapter. If that makes you uncomfortable then feel free to skip it)
They say that dreams are a way to escape they real world. People say sleep is a way to transport from your worst nightmare like failing something you're expected to be the best at, and just get lost in a made up universe that your mind has generated. A made up place that's better than any place you've ever explored. I wish I was one of those people. For me, both the real world and the dream world are horrible places. In the real world I have a mom who doesn't give a shit about me but pretends to worry because of past guilt and some creepy asshole with strange eyes and a cocky personality living across from me, and in the dream world I have gruesome memories of my good-for-nothing dead dad coming home drunk and beating until he's satisfied with the amount of blood surrounding my limp body. I guess you could say that no matter what dimension In the world I'm in its always a nightmare, but what life is actually being lived if there isn't at least a bit of darkness in the shadows of it?

Those are the thoughts that I've been having for the past few hours I've been awake. I haven't gotten an ounce of sleep after waking up over yet another dreadful dream of my dad coming home and getting aggressive with me.

After waking up I was too afraid to go back to sleep and face the fear clouding my dreams, so I did what I do best. I stay up and think.

After having that dream I got into thinking about dreams and how to some people they're so different from reality whereas mine are all the same. Cold, bland, and dark.

After thinking about that, it got me thinking about why people are the way they are and how they grow up to be who they are. Take the band Green Day for example. At some point or another they were all normal people who went to normal school and did normal things, but then they formed the most awesome band ever, made some kick-ass albums, and are now ranking pretty high in the rock and roll standards.

Or you could take my dad for example. Once upon a time he was an innocent along with the rest of the world, He had parents that were good to him, hell he even went to college for fucks sake. But then he met my mom and fucked the living daylights out of her which caused an accident like me to happen. Everything was fine until I was born and then he changed. He left early every day and,came home late every night with a bottle of Rum or something in his hands ready to throw a few hits at me.

I never knew what I did wrong. Not even to this day, but it's too late to find out now I guess.

I reach over to the night stand and grab my phone. Swipig the screen, my phone lights up and displays the time of 6:48 am.

Damn, I've been up that long? I thought.

Sighing, I sit and let out a tired yawn. So it's gonna be one of those days.

I get out of bed and decide to get an early start this morning. Plus it means I have more time to shower.

I walk to my closet and pull out a Sleeping With Sirens band T with some black ripped skinny jeans to match the shirt along with my galaxy converse and plain black socks.

After deciding on what to wear, I walk into the bathroom and rid myself of my clothing before setting the water on the right temperature and stepping into the shower.

Once the warm jets hit my healing back, my head falls back in pleasure as the warm water relaxes each stiff muscle there is on me.

As I'm doing the essential things any other person would in the shower, I get to thinking about the group I had met not even 24 hours ago. Yes it sounds kinda weird that I'm thinking about 4 boys and a punk rock as fuck girl in the shower, but weird is all I have left anymore.

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