Chapter 13

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Everything was a blur. Everything. My vision was blurred and I had no idea where I was. It was gloomy and eerie and way too quiet. I look around as my vision appears slightly normal and panic mode kicks in. The smell of something rotten fills my senses and I try my hardest to avoid it but it seems impossible. Once I find my balance, I begin walking to find any sort of light that there may be. Luckily, I find a switch and the room lights up. The sight was horrifying thought. Blood littered the floor and so did bodies. The lifeless eyes of the people that I had become close to stared dead at me, their eyes filled with what they last felt. Their eyes were filled with fear.

Sobs erupted from my mouth but no sound came out. It was as if I was being forced to stay silent. Soon enough, I couldn't even control where my feet lead me. They took up a mind of their own and it was like I was barely even there myself. They lead me down a hallway that was lit up in red.

In the living room that connected to the hallway stood a an all too familiar girl. It was Cam. She had a wicked look on her face and a pool of blood surrounding her feet. It did not take me long to realize that it was hers due to the multiple stab wounds leaking from her upper half. I cautiously took a step forward and reached out to turn her towards me fully, but when I did a gasp left my mouth at the sight. Half of her face was torn and ripped to shreds. She looked half decayed and inhuman.

I try backing away as she began mumbling incoherent words but my feet were like cement to the ground. My entire body was number and I was trembling with fright. The mumbling got louder and soon enough she was chanting words over and over in an ear splitting scream.

"Not safe! Not safe! Not safe!" She screamed and began moving closer, but I was gone before she could even begin to touch me.

I ran up the stairs and into the first room I saw, shutting the door behind me in a quick manner. When I actually began looking around, I realized that this was my room but it was not my house.

I almost jumped out of my skin when I realized that there was a figure of a man sitting at the edge of my bed. It took me a minute to realize that the person was Michael, but it didn't feel like Michael. Not the Michael I had come to know. He felt dangerous and harmful.

"M-Michael?" I stutter out, but he doesn't budge.

"Michael, come on. Please stop playing around. I'm scared as hell right now and I have no idea what's going on and you're kind of freaking me out with the whole silent thing." I plead and he twitches a bit, but keeps his head low.

"You're...scared?" He asks slowly and I give him a look.

"I woke up to all of our friends fucking dead around me so yes, I'm scared!" I yell and he lets out a laugh.

"Good." He says in a dark tone.

"Good? How is that good?" I ask and he lets out another laugh before lifting his head up fully.

This was not Michael. This..thing had solid black eyes and a wicked and dark smile that made my skin crawl. He was much more paler and he had this feeling to him. A feeling that he was dangerous and he was not afraid to show it.

"Fear is good." He said simply and got up off of the bed, walking closer to me as I backed myself up against the wall. I went to reach for the doorknob, but he caught on and somehow locked it with a snap of his fingers. "Are you scared of me, Tate?" he whispered in my ear as he pinned me up against the door.

"N-no." I say with a shaky voice and he lets out a menacing laugh.

"You should be." He growled and tightened his grip on me.

Fear // A Demon Michael Clifford FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon