Chapter 9

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A/N: your favorite shitty author is back with a chapter. Enjoy babes Xx
"I'm telling you, all time low will forever be the best band!" Michael exclaims from across the table from me.

We were currently at a small diner not far from the school. Apparently it's where the guys go to hang out, not that I'm complaining. It's a neat place. Themed with the 80's which is awesome because that was one of the best eras in time. The guys said they wanted to take me here before we got "down to business" whatever that means.

We're currently sitting here bickering about who the best band was and I was quite amused by their bickering as I picked at my fries I ordered. The seating arrangements were Ashton, Luke and I on one side of the booth, and then calum and Michael on the other side of the booth. Michael thinks all time low is and always will be the best bend to exist whereas Luke and Ashton disagree.

"I call bullshit! Absolute bullshit. Blink 182 is the best. It's an unsaid fact" Luke says dramatically and I roll my eyes at his theatrics.

"Yeah true. You know what they say, blink 182 is good for the soul" Ashton chimes in causing me to let out a breathless laugh at his words.

Michael scoffs at his words and rolls his eyes with a groan.

"Yeah maybe for you losers. All Time Low have meaning in their songs. Don't get me wrong, I like nirvana, but the lyrics in their songs make literally no sense. I mean, in Smells Like Teen Spirit the lyrics don't even go with the song" Michael states and I give him props for his examining in music silently. He had a point.

Luke gasps and feigns a hurt expression with his hand over his heart.

"It's because you don't dig deep enough into the lyrics! You know what? I don't care. Nirvana is the best. Case closed" Luke states as if the conversation were over before taking a large bite out of his burger. It's weird, he eats like a literal horse yet he doesn't gain a pound. Fucking metabolism.

Michael scoffs once again before crossing his arms and looking over towards me.

"What about you, walker? Who do you think is the best band?" He asks and I stop mid-bite of my fry, looking around the table to see all eyes on me before slowly swallowing and clearing my throat awkwardly. Way to put me on the spot, asshole.

"Well, uh" I stop, thinking about it for a minute before speaking again. "I grew up with nirvana because that's what my da-, some now distant relatives listened to all the time. But Michael does have a point. Most of their songs don't make sense to the average person and All Time Low happen to be one of my top favorite bands, so yeah... I'm gonna have to go with All Time Low, sorry Luke." I say, cutting off my rambling before it got worse and when I looked up at them, they were silent for a few seconds before Michael clapped his hands together and let out a 'woo!'.

"HAH! Told you assbags. All Time Low will forever be the best. Thank you very much, Tate, for showing that you're worthy to be in this group" Michael says, a smug smile on his face due to the fact that he won his little bickering fest.

Luke pouted and took a drink of his Coke before scoffing.

"Whatever. You guys suck. Nirvana is great" he mutters while Ashton pretends to comfort him in his 'time of need'.

"So, Tate, how are you liking it here so far?" Calum asks, which is surprising because he's the one out of the group that doesn't really try to talk to me.

I cough and think for a minute. Honestly, if you forget about the whole Michael Being a douche shit and my mom pretending she wasn't in the top 10 of worst parents, it was pretty okay.

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