Chapter 8

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A/N: okay so this is late as fuck, but i hope you enjoy this shit filler and here's a picture of Ash and Tate seeing as they actually interact in this chapter

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A/N: okay so this is late as fuck, but i hope you enjoy this shit filler and here's a picture of Ash and Tate seeing as they actually interact in this chapter.

My alarm blares through the small space of my room as i shoot up out of bed. Last night didn't suck, but it wasn't the best either. I didn't have any dreams, but i didn't sleep that well. I kept getting this bad feeling in my stomach. Like something wasn't right. Maybe it was because of the days events? It all seemed a bit too good to be real. I considered it to maybe be a dream, a good dream, but i never get those anymore. It's either a nightmare, or it's just pitch black. But why was Michael so nice yesterday? Why the sudden change of heart? He seemed pretty genuine, but i've learned not to trust so quickly, so i'll lay low and i'll see how things pan out, but i won't push him away. I've been known for doing that because it's one of the only things i'm good at, but i'll have to resist. He seems nice enough when he tries, so maybe it'll last.

My alarm blares again and i snap out of my trance, groaning and shutting it off before removing my blankets off of me and getting out of bed. I yawn and stretch my arms out before making my way to my dresser, going with just a plain white t-shirt, some black skinny jeans, a gray beanie, and a red flannel to go over my shirt. I quickly get dressed and do my morning duties before slipping on my shoes and going downstairs. The house was silent, so i figured my mom was already out at work or something.

I check my phone for the time and see i have a bit of time, so i make myself a bowl of cereal. I realized i haven't been eating as much lately and i need the energy, so i thought why not?

I scroll through my social media while eating. As i'm doing so, a loud, obnoxious noise sounding outside my house which happened to be a car horn. I decide to ignore it and whoever it is will go away soon, but that's not the case seeing as they just continued blaring their horn to get my attention. I sigh and throw my dishes into the sink and decide to save both myself and them from further embarrassment of waking the neighbors and disturbing them.

I adjust my beanie subconsciously before opening the door only to reveal Michael Clifford himself in his car in front of my house. I look at him weirdly before making my way down the steps of my house and to his car slowly. He doesn't look bad at all today.He was wearing a Rolling Stones muscle T, some skinny jeans, his signature leather jacket, and some douchey sunglasses that actually seemed to pull off.

"Uh, if you don't mind me asking, why am i being car horn serenaded by you at" i pause to check the time. "7:30 in the morning?" I ask him only for him to lightly laugh and step out of the car, making his way to the other side of the car and opening the passenger door.

"Well, i'm giving you a ride to school today, Miss Walker" He says and i raise my eyebrows, offering a crooked smile.

"And how'd you know i'd accept the tempting offer, Mr. Clifford?" i question and he smirks.

"Because who can resist all of this?" he asks, running a hand down his body and swiveling his hips in a circular motion.

I laugh a bit at his actions and shake my head before playfully rolling my eyes.

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