Chapter 4

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 A/N: okay yay an update!! hope you enjoy it cos yeah. picture of Tate and Luke at the top (-:


To my luck, i got through the rest of the week smoothly. I hadn't seen Michael since the day he snapped out on me and i haven't had anymore panic attacks yet. Michael and i have been avoiding each other. Instead of sitting with Luke and the others i sit with Cam. There have been many times through out the week where Luke would try and get me to come sit with them, but i just simply ignored him for all of our sake. 

I've decided that being around Michael isn't a good idea. he's dangerous and scary and to be honest he looks like the type of guy to get physical with a girl if he were pissed at them. It's better this way. Although that won't stop me from hanging out with Luke after school and stuff. He happens to be one of my semi-friends too so im not gonna let Michael get in the way of my friendship with a person.

Anyways, off of the topic of the devil himself, It's currently Saturday and im sitting in my pajamas watching Netflix and eating Ben & Jerry's. Great way to spend a Saturday right?

i have my eyes focused on the TV watching The Vampire Diaries. I normally wouldn't go for shows like this but it seemed interesting so i gave it a shot and so far it's pretty good. While Elena is talking to her brother about something i guess is important i go to shove another spoon of ice cream in my mouth only to be stopped by my phone going off. I sigh and drop my spoon back into the tub of heaven and pick up my phone only to be met with a text from Luke. We exchanged numbers a couple days back.

From: Pucas (A/N: shout out To chelci_e for the name bc yay)

Hey Tae Tae 


From: Tae Tae

Ew Luke no that nickname is a no


From: Pucas



From: Tae Tae

Pucas no please not the face


From: Pucas

-.- my name is nOT PUCAS


From: Tae Tae

:) it is now


From: Pucas 



From: Tae Tae



From: Pucas



From: Tae Tae

what do you want Pucas


From: Pucas



From: Pucas

but anyways i wanna know if you want to hang today? We need to catch up gurllll

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