Chapter 11

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A/N: Hey guys! It's your favorite shitty author with another update to start off this whole schedule thing. Also i apologize for all the cliffhangers lol. They're just kind of my thing when i think a chapter is getting too long. ANYWAYS, enjoy Xx

Michael and i made our way down the stairs in a slow manner, neither of us wanting to attend this dinner i'm guessing. Me specifically, but i'm guessing by the way he's walking hesitantly, my little rant on my mom sort of changed his mind in the slightest way.

Once we get to the bottom of the set of stairs, i stop and grab michael by the shoulder which points his attention towards me.

"You know, it's not too late to leave. I could always make a distraction or make up an excuse for you so you don't have to stay" i say.

"No, it's alright. I just don't want to be the reason that you blow up at your mom" he says softly.

"If i blow up at my mom, it'll be because of anything but you. Trust me." i assure and he cracks a smile.

"If you say so." he replies and i remove my hand from his shoulder before making my way into the kitchen.

My mom was setting the last plate onto the table as i walked in and she looked up at me, plastering a huge smile onto her face.

Michael follows in after me and we all sit down as my mom passes the food around. Honestly i didn't have an appetite anymore, but eating beats starting a fight with my mom in front of Michael.

Once our plates are filled and everyone's begun to eat, my mom decides to speak up much to my displeasure.

"So, Tate, how was school today?" she asks.

"Fine." i mumble. What i really wanted to say was 'you never ask me on any other given day, so why ask me now?'. Then again, i barely give her the time of day when she asked, so that'd be partially my fault.

"Oh, c'mon, there has to be something interesting that's happened. You never tell me these things" she says and i sigh.

"I witnessed my friend have a mental breakdown and then look at me like i was the cause of her psychotic problems for some reason i don't know shit about" i say and it gets silent. Michael's looking at me with an emotion i can't decipher, but he doesn't looked pleased with my behavior. The last thing i'd want to do is make him hate me after us getting along for so long, so i add on to my story. I'll just have to act nice while he's here. "I also got an offer for a job. My friend calum hooked me up. It'll be at a music store not far away from school. Not that i'm saying i'll get the job. I just have a chance to get interviewed and maybe get it." i add on and my mothers eyes lighten up.

"Really? That's so exciting! Don't worry. You'll do a great job. Just be yourself and you'll do just fine" she says enthusiastically and i resist the urge to snap at her for trying to care. Instead i smile politely as a thanks and receive a pleased look from Michael.

"This is really good, Ms. Walker" Michael comments with a polite smile and she beams.

"Thank you, Michael!" she says with a bright smile. She loves being complimented because dad never did it. He'd be horrible to her.

He sends a smile her way and continues to eat his food.

A few minutes of silence pass by and my mom breaks it before it turned into an awkward type of silence.

"So, Michael, do you have a job?" she asks and michael looks up from his plate, swallowing what he had in his mouth before answering.

"Uh, not a permanent one. Sometimes i help out at the place Tate got an offer for, but it's not an all the time thing. I've been thinking of going job hunting but i just haven't had the time." he explains and my eyes lighten a bit when i hear he'll be there sometimes. Don't get me wrong, i love Calum and he's great and all, but i feel like with it being just him and i all the time, it could get really awkward because he's not really much of a talker himself. I feel like it'd be awkward glances and smiles if we didn't have someone else there to make us interact.

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