2. │ First night at home

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We went outside to get more stuff to transport inside when we saw how Peter's aunt and uncle already introduced themselves to my mom. May, as she seems to be called, brought a freshly baked pie as a housewarming gift. I can tell this family is nice.
That's probably why my family got along with them so well. In fact, over the course of the day, turns out, my mom will be working in the same hospital as May.

Eventually, the trucks went empty and the employees from the moving company said their goodbyes. The Parkers, as I just found out, stayed a while longer to help us.
Ben and my dad were building up all the furniture for the living room, while Peter was helping by... trying to explain the manual? While the men were doing their thing, the rest of us unpacked some of the boxes.

It was already getting dark when my brother started complaining again. "Mom, I'm hungry." "Well, what do you all feel like eating? As we barely have anything, how about we order something?" What a great idea, I haven't realized how hungry I was.
After a short while, we agreed on Pizza. (You can imagine anything else)
My mom told me to note down what the men wanted. So, I did.
"Alright, you got a minute?" I asked cautiously, not wanting to disturb them. Peter's head shot up. I looked at him expectantly. While he was still trying to find his words, my dad told me his order without taking his eyes from the screw he was tightening. Ben looked up and told me what he would like. "Yeah, make that two." He tried to sound cool. "Alrighty, then go on doing what you're doing." and I went back to the kitchen with a smile.

When the Pizza arrived, Peter and you sat next to each other at the newly put up dining table. Everyone chatted while enjoying their food.
"So, y/n, right?" he asked. "Actually, my name is "y/f/n, but everyone calls me y/n" you smiled. "Alright, do you mind if I call you by your nickname then?" "Oh yeah, sure, be my guest."
"Great" he chuckled. We overheard Ben and my dad talking about Peter and me going to the same school. "Oh really, you go to Midtown High?" he sounded genuinely surprised. "I mean, yeah, I will be going there after the summer break." "Cool! I'll be a senior next semester." "No way, me too!" I exclaimed excitedly. I was most afraid of how school was gonna go, but if I know someone in my year already, it can't be that bad. Right?

The evening went on with more chatting until eventually, we called it a night.
"If you need a hand putting up the last bit of furniture, I'm sure Peter can help. May and I got work tomorrow morning, but we could help in the afternoon?" Ben said supportively. "Oh, thank you so much. You have done more than enough, it's really not much left to help. You can have a proper rest after work tomorrow, but thank you." my parents thanked them. Peter then said "I'm free tomorrow too, I can stop by if you need me. I don't mind, really." "You are quite a gentleman Peter, you know?" my mom said. He looked at me and I just nodded. "Thank you, Ma'am" "Call me Meryl." "Alright. See you tomorrow," we said our goodbyes and went straight to bed.

𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

Uncle Ben, Aunt May, and I walked back home. It's just a few houses, so, it's fine. "They're lovely people, aren't they?" May said. "Yeah" Whoop, that sounded way more admiring than it should have been. "So, Peter... you like that girl? Y/n was it?" I was taken a little aback by that question. "Uh, yeah, she seems nice." A "Hm" was all I was getting. We were already home and I was about to go to bed when Uncle Ben remarked "Peter, don't go there too early tomorrow. We don't know how long they sleep. They must have had an awfully long day." "Yeah, alright" and with that, we went to bed.

I was about to sleep when I realized something out of a sudden. I forgot to ask y/n for her number! Shit... But well, lucky me I see her tomorrow anyway. I hope I don't forget.

𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

I was just about to fall asleep when my eyes shot open in realization. I forgot to ask peter for his number! Is that weird? I mean, I just met him this afternoon... But he's so nice, and handsome, if I may say so.
Well, I hope he is really coming over tomorrow, then I can ask him again.

~ 𝘕𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 ~

I sat at the table in the kitchen with my family, eating breakfast. I was way too tired to listen to my family blabbering about random stuff. I could only make out the words alleys, danger, and Oscorp. "Y/n, did you hear what we are saying?" "I looked up and hummed. "Honey, this is real. These alleys can be dangerous especially at night. So, please you two, don't ever go out alone at night." "Yeah" my brother and I answered simultaneously.
"But now that you're awake y/n, you know Oscorp, right?" "The multi-million-dollar company from Norman Osborn?" "Exactly, mom and dad don't know what I'm talking about." "It rings a bell, though..." mom wondered. "Well, they do experimental science, military research, and cross-species genetics there. It seems far-fetched from reality, but it's quite interesting though." I actually read about Dr. Curtis Conners' idea before. He's the head scientist for research on herpetology, the study of reptiles.
My brother and I are quite into science. "Apparently, 24 of the brightest students of New York can win a tour through their labs, we should totally participate in this!" "Not a bad idea actually" I mean, I don't believe in their fututre plans, but it would be interesting. Maybe for some future projects as well... 

A knock at the door brought me back from my thoughts. Oh, it must be  Peter! Declan opened the door and I heard how Peter was rambling about not wanting to be too early and disturbing us. My mom got there and reassured him "No Peter, you arrived just on time. We were just about to start, after breakfast. Would you like some?" "No thank you, I just ate". I came from the kitchen and greeted him smiling, while he was still talking to my mom. He smiled back at me. Just as he was done talking to my mom, my eyes widened as I realized, I'm still in my PJs. "Uhm, I'm getting dressed real quick." With that I ran up the stairs.

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