3. │"some kind of hold of me already"

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"Okay, Uhm, what do I wear... I mean, I can't do moving in a skin-tight satin dress, now can I? What am I even doing? Why am I going crazy about an outfit?" thank god no one heard me whisper-screaming to myself.
"Man, this boy has some kind of hold of me already..." I thought to myself. I just went with a casual but comfy outfit.

As I went down, I saw my dad, brother and Peter set up the new TV. Only this time, dad and Peter were actually working and my brother was trying to explain to them what the manual says. I watched them for a second and went to my mom chuckling slightly. We unpacked the last few boxes for the living room when my brother started getting on my nerves again.
"Hey dad, can we set up my computer next? Please? I haven't got the chance to play the Elder Scrolls Online yet. I've been so patient and-"  "Sure buddy, except we have to set up your desk first." you could hear the little annoyance in his voice. "But you don't get to play your game until we're done with the moving." "Deal" and Declan handed his hand out to our dad. Peter had a puzzled look on his face caused by our family dynamic. "That's normal around here Peter. Better get used to it" said my mom as I just chuckled at his expression. Although, the last past was a bit odd but alright.

"Very well then, Dec (short for Declan), and I will be setting up the desk in his room, will you two be able to do the same in your room y/n?" "Sure" Peter looked a bit surprised by me immediately answering my dad. "Follow me then" I showed him to my room.

"Alright, so, first of all, we have to look for pieces A and B and then we have to screw them together using the screws number 2. Do you-" "Already did that. Do you mind giving me a hand by holding them together, I don't want this to be a sloppy desk" I smiled at him innocently while he was surprised. He got up immediately to help me.
"You know Peter, I think you're cleverer than flicking through the pages of the manual to set up an idiotic desk." I smiled concealing my slight annoyance. "No, yeah, absolutely. I just thought... you didn't want to have a sloppy desk" "I think we'll do just fine." At that, we heard my dad and brother rumbling around in the room next door. "They don't seem to do just fine," remarked Peter. "No, they don't" I laughed.

Peter and I actually got all the furniture for my room done quite fast, whereas my dad has picked the wrong partner. But it was nice, Peter and I got to talk a lot. We actually like a lot of the same stuff. Back home, no one would listen when I heard about a new study proving some sort of theory or some other random fact. Only my brother, but he doesn't count. Peter does though because he does the same.
By the way, did you know that palm trees are not actually a kind of tree but a kind of grass?  Whereas Grass, and Palms, grow upwards, Trees can also grow thicker. Anyway, you probably don't care but now you know.

"Hey, you need another four hands?" and so we helped in the room next door, where I haven't realized that my mom was already helping too.

~ 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘱 ~

We are all set so far, at least what furniture is concerned. The rest is up to us now, so, Peter can go home now.

"And that's a wrap on all the furniture." my dad said that with such pride. "Peter, thank you so much for your help, you can't believe how thankful we all are, right?" my family agreed. "I've been glad to be of service. Then, I guess I'll go home now." He smiled. "I'll accompany you on your way out." I smiled back. When we arrived at the door frame, I stopped him "Hey, uhm, I was wondering I could get your number? I hope this is not weird to you, it's jus-" he stopped me from blabbering on "Yeah, no, absolutely, I actually wanted to ask you the same thing" "Really, I mean, that's great, so..." I just hoped he didn't notice my excitement. I gave him my phone and he typed in his number while smiling contently. We said our goodbyes and he went down the street.
I don't know what got into me, but I watched him through the window and saw how he had jumped up and clapped his feet together. "What a dork," I thought to myself. Before I could think any more about it, I was called to get back to help.

~ 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘱 ~

In the evening, we had the Wifi installed and I could finally use my phone again.

"Hey Peter, it's y/n. Sorry I texted just now"

"Hey, no worries, I understand, you're busy with moving and all. If you need any more help, just give me a call"

"Yeah, thank you sm. We really appreciate it"

"Any time :)"


He wouldn't know but I'm smiling like crazy right now. How come he is so nice?!

𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

"Peter put that phone away. No phones during dinner." said aunt May "Yes, sorry." "Who got you smiling like that, Peter?" Wait, what? Did I smile while texting? Wait, I'm smiling right now... "Man, this girl has some kind of hold of me already..." I thought. "Uhm, no one. It was just, uhm, a funny picture." What a weak attempt to dismiss this topic...

𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

So, Peter and I have been texting a lot within the last few days and we are mostly done with the move, just minor things.
"Alright, kids, who's up for back to school shopping?" Urgh, next week starts school again. "Yeah, well, I guess I'll have to be, won't I?" I really didn't want to go to school, nor prepare everything for it. "Precisely." I knew my mom smirked at me, I didn't even have to look up.
"Good thing is, we won't be alone. Helen and her family will come along. They'll help us get what you two need." said my mom, I guess she's happy being around her sister again. "I almost forgot, isn't Gwen senior at Midtown High, too?" Well, that's amazing. Then I know two people in my grade at the new school!

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