6. │ First day of school (Pt. 2)

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I was about to go to class when I saw Peter in the hall hanging up a photo on the bulletin board. As I was making my way towards him, he got a basketball thrown at him. I shot a look to the boy who was throwing the ball, but he failed to notice me, as they both were greeting each other sarcastically. Just as I thought the bully and his friends were leaving, he was making a move to scare Peter, but left eventually.

I approached Peter. "Woah, are you okay? What an asshole was that?" I looked after the bully as I asked the latter question. "Oh, yeah, don't worry. That's flash, he's always like that." "What a douche..." I was feeling sorry for Peter. I'm sure he took the hint in my tone.
"What were you hanging up here?"I asked as I turned back to him. "Uh, last year's photo of the debate club. If some new members want to sign up for it, you know?" I inspected the photo and saw Gwen on there. "Hey, That's Gwen!" I said excitedly. "You know her right?" He choked a little at that. "Yeah, you could say that. How do you know her, you two seemed quite close already. Or were you just invited to the popular kids right away?" his expression sank at the thought. "What, no! She's my cousin!" "Oh, really? I didn't know, sorry." Clearly he was uncomfortable and sorry for drawing hasty conclusions. "It's fine, how should you have known." I smiled.
"Anyway, you're not part of the debate club?" he shook his head "Nope, just taking the pictures around here..." "I see. They're good though." I smiled at him and I'm sure I saw a little blush on his cheeks.
"I'll better get to class now, do you happen to have calculus now with, uhm-" I looked through my papers to find my timetable. "Mrs. Garcias? Yes, actually." I smiled "Great" and with that, we went to class.

School went on normally until it was time for lunch. I got out and saw Peter take a picture of Gwen reading. I crept up on him from behind asking him what he was doing. "Holy cow, y/n, don't creep up on me like that!" I laughed at his reaction. "You know, you could just talk to her and ask her for consent. Might wouldn't have seemed so weird." I smiled mischievously at him while slowly walking backward in Gwen's direction. "Yeah, well, then it wouldn't be a natural scene to capture. "Hm, sure..." with that, I turned around and greeted Gwen. Peter was following behind, but before he made it to us, the mass of students closing around something caught his attention. It must have just formed, as I haven't become aware of it before. Peter glanced at us with a questioning look, as if we would have a clue on what was going on. The three of us went there to check on what was happening. The closer I got, the better I understood what they were saying altogether: They repeated "Eat it! Eat it!" over and over again. Peter pushed himself to the front row, whereas Gwen and I had problems seeing what was happening in the middle of said mass of students.

It was Flash again. This time, he was bullying another victim. Some poor boy, who must be some classes beneath us, was held upsidedown by Flash heads first into his food tray.
Flash sees Peter and asks him repeatedly to take a picture of the situation. Peter tells him he won't do it continuously until it's getting out of hand by Peter calling Flash by his real name Eugene. Flash's expression had gone visibly mad within seconds. He throws the kid to the side, approaching Peter.
No one seemed to care for the boy, so I ran up to him, asking whether he is okay and if I should help him to get to the school nurse. He was delining with thanks and told me the same as Peter did earlier. "No thank you. Flash is always like that." He got up and watched the scene that was happening behind my back. I turned around as I got up and saw how Peter was the one getting beaten. Shit!
Flash was punching and kicking him in the guts while asking him repeatedly, obviously rhetorical questions, if he would get up and take the picture now. Peter didn't get the chance to answer.
I got so angry, I was about to kick 'eUgENe' myself. "Are you out of your mind, asshole?" I was furious. He turned, but before he could say anything, Gwen was calming him down and dragging him away from the scene. She talking some shit about homework and meeting him later. Wtf? I just met this wet sock of a person and I already hate him. That's something you have to be able to do in the first place! As they were leaving, Flash said to me "Ey, watch it next time!" but Gwen shushed him. I ran up to Peter and helped him up while asking if he was alright.

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