7. │ Oscorp

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𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

As y/n left, I ran up to my room. I don't believe that there is nothing more than this picture from the article. There had to be more. Just as May said, he was very secretive, so there must be some more clues. Clearly, he wanted me to figure something out, when he told Ben I should have it sometime, right?

I checked the whole thing. I didn't find much of importance. An old calculator, a badge, and pens. The most valuable find though was my father's glasses. I went to put my contact lenses out and surprisingly, the glasses fit my eyesight requirements. I liked them, so, I kept them on.
As I had almost given up, I heard, that there was something rattling somewhere inside the bag. I've scanned every rim of the bag until I found an opening. Hidden was- a file?

I locked the door with my automatic door lock to look through the file without anyone seeing it. I was met with many notes and photos. A reoccurring symbol caught my eyes. It looked like two of this Ø.
Before I could inspect it any further, uncle Ben knocked and I had to let him in, after I hid the file. He told me about him not being the best replacement for his dad, and how little he knew about his father's work. However, he's actually a great kind of dad to me.
Before he left, he noticed my desktop wallpaper. "She's pretty." he smiled. I was a bit confused for a second until I followed his gaze to my computer. "Uhm, yeah." I smiled dismissively. I stared at the picture of the debate team, which was basically just a cutout of Gwen. I don't know what it is... I used to have this huge crush on her, but now it is slowly diminishing.

I was doing research on my father and his work, on the death of my parents and Dr. Conners. Eventually, I found the article on the tour that is... actually starting in the next half an hour. I got nothing to lose, I have to get on that tour to find out more about Oscorp and my dad.

𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

"DEC! I'm home!" I went through the front door shouting for my brother. He shouted a "Lucky you!" back. What a doofus... Our parents were still at work.
"You getting ready? We're supposed to be there in half an hour and we gotta take the subway."

We got there on time and went straight to the front desk. "Hi, we are y/f/n and Declan y/l/n. We are here for-" "Ah, yes. The tour I suppose." I nodded at her. Apparently, she was a bit stressed. "Here you go. These are your VIP passes. Keep them on you the whole time and you'll be fine. You'll be welcomed upstairs by the guide. Have a great time." she handed us the badges, smiled, and gestured to the escalator. We followed the direction she had given us and were greeted by Gwen upstairs.

We had to wait for a little while until everyone had arrived. Gwen came back from wherever she was with a tablet and introduced herself. "Welcome to Oscorp. My name is Gwen Stacy, I'm a senior at Midtown Science and I'm the head intern to Dr. Conners. So, I'll be with you for the duration of your visit. Where I go, you go. That's the basic rule. If you remember that all will be fine." She explained, but out of a sudden, there was shouting coming from downstairs. "If you forget that-" tried going on, but everyone was watching the man being escorted out, while he was shouting that he was here for an interview and that his name would be Rodrigo Guevara. Hm, that's odd...
I swung my head back towards my cousin, as she started talking again. "Well, I guess I don't have to tell you what will happen if you don't." everyone nodded. "Follow me."

We made our way to the first lab. Once there, we came across the infamous Dr. Curtis Conners. He greeted the group of students and told us a little about his research, in which he had specialized in herpetology. He then told us about his goal to create a world without weakness. My brother and I exchanged a look. I still don't believe in it. My brother though is torn whether it is possible or not. As we were shifting our attention back to Dr. Conners, he had asked the question of how to achieve his goal to our group. One student rose his arm and answered "Stemmcells" after the Dr. had nodded. It sounded more like a question, than an answer, but it wasn't what Dr. Conners was looking for. "Promising, but the solution I'm thinking of is a bit more-" he hesitated a little "more radical." No one had an Idea. My brother nudged me, but before I could say anything, someone else got ahead of me. 

"Cross-species genetics" I was turning around to see who said that, and to my surprise, it was Peter- with glasses?
I had a positively astounded look on my face until I looked over to Gwen, who seemed to be surprised too, but in a less pleasant way. She looked down on her tablet, probably checking whether he is on the list of students. Her face said that that wasn't the case. She looked back up to me and I just shrugged unknowingly.
Peter had been going on talking. "People get Parkinson's when the brain cells that produce dopamine start to disappear. But the zebrafish has the ability to regenerate cells on command. If you somehow can get this ability to the wound we are talking about that's that-" I knew what he was going to say, we had already spoken about this once before. "-She's curing herself" I whispered along while he said it out loud. He must have heard it, as he looked at me and Gwen each with an innocent look.
Someone commented on what he had said "Yeah if you look past her gills on her neck!" a lot of students had to laugh at his corny joke, my brother included.
Dr. Conners was surprised by the knowledge of Peter and shushed the laughing students inconspicuously, before asking Peter who he is. Before he could answer though, Gwen stepped in "He's one of Midtown Science's best and brightest. Conners was clearly astonished. "Really?" Gwen sighed a little before continuing "He's second-best in class." "Oh," remarked the Dr.
Peter was a bit surprised. "Second?" he asked, sounding unsure. "Yeah," she said firmly. "You sure about that?" "Pretty sure" my head was moving along with their conversation. Everyone was so quiet.
Dr. Conners got a call and had to go. "I'm leaving you in the more than capable hands of Ms. Stay. Nice meeting you all." and with that, he went away.

The tour went on, even if just to the next room. I went to Peter. "So, I see you're here yourself. I guess then I won't have to tell you about their research later." "Yeah, no. You don't have to, now." he chuckled nervously. "Nice glasses by the way. They suit you." "Thank you. They were my dad's. I used to wear contact lenses actually." "I'm surprised he had your eyesight." I was genuinely surprised by that. "Yeah" he chuckled slightly.
There was silence for a second before he went on "I actually didn't think I was being granted on coming here, you know?" "Hm, I see. How did that work out for you, Mr. Guevara?" I have seen his nametag which had left me with some questions. "Uhm, yeah. So, that was... my friend." you could tell that this was the first lie he was coming up with. "Yeah, he got sick, so I was allowed to come here for him." "Right, and he lets you get here just to be escorted out by security?" I asked him, he knew he had fucked up.  "Uhm, well..." I was a bit hurt that he could lie to my face like that. "No. I'm sorry y/n. I'll -" "Would you like to gather around" Gwen interrupted, by telling us about the hologram we stood in front of. "I'll explain to you later, I promise! I just have to get something checked. I'm not even here for the tour." I had a puzzled look on my face. He was about to leave as Gwen approached us. "Hi" Peter greeted her. "What are you doing, Rodrigo?" I had to laugh a little because of that name. "Peter was clearly lost for words as she asked him again, but with a small laugh. he had to laugh too, saying "I was going to say I work here, but I have realized, you are working here. So, I do not work here, in fact."
"Wait, are you following me?" Gwen asked but he laughed nervously "What? No! No, I'm not following you!" Gwen and I exchanged a look as if we were not buying this. "No, no, I'm not. I had no idea you work here." "Then, why would you be here?" Gwen asked. "I just snuck in because I love... science!" he answered that with such pride. I know he likes science a lot, but that wouldn't be reason enough for him to sneak in here. "Oh, you love science?" he nodded. "So, you snuck in, because you love science" he nodded again.

Gwen had to keep a check on the group and said to Peter "We're gonna talk about this later. You better not get me in trouble." she waited for his promise and went back to the group. Peter motioned back to the group solely with his eyes. "I can't just let you run around here all by yourself. What are you going to do? Steal some zebrafish?" He smiled, "No, I'm not stealing anything. I'm just-" "Now don't come at me with that lending shit." "What? No. Look. I'm just taking the chance to get a look at what my father has worked on all these years. I want you to go back to the group though. I don't want to get you in trouble and I know that this visit is so important to you. We'll meet up later and exchange our insights, how about that?" I hesitated for a second until Peter saw the group moving on and gesturing for me to leave. "Alright. Text me when you're in trouble. Stay safe!" He nodded and I went after my group.

A/n: I'll have to see how often I can find the time to publish a new part, as the holidays are over. But I'm sure there will be updates. Have a great day!

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