Feelings Are Damn Complicated!

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The next day, I decide to train at the water purifying station. The idiots in District 1 are just laughing at me, using their weapons of choice. I throw knives, because they have many uses, are small and discreet, and they're very easy to find. But throwing spears? A bow and damn arrows? Where are these people gonna get these things, there's a very low chance they'll show up, but an arena with no knives is like a blizzard with no snow. Plus, I can commit a quick suicide. I can stab myself, but how will the girl from one shoot herself. Morbid, I know, but sometimes you'd rather die than live through a long, painful death by capitol mutt. I shiver, cutting myself with the edge of a glass cup I'm using, hitting an artery pretty deep.

"DAMN!" I grit my teeth and a lady comes to sanitize and bandage my arm.

"Uh-uh-uh- I'll do it myself, drop the supplies in a shoot or something!" The thin, frightened lady just put the medical kit next to me, and ran straight back to her room. 

I put the rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad and press it onto my cut. Oh, it burns, but I have to do it with minimal reaction. The sponsors are watching with high levels of interest from up in their large, elevated are for watching the trainees. Then I put a large band-aid on the wound, perfectly preventing the bleeding, and then go right back to purifying water. Many tributes are watching now. 


The next day is our last day of training. We will have our private training sessions now. First Marvel, then Glimmer. Cato tries to hold my hand as we wait. I slap it. After he goes, I wait an agonizing forty-five minutes for my turn. I decide to spend my time usefully. I walk over to the boy from District 11, the one that the other careers and myself have been considering taking into our pack. Frankly, I wish he was from District 1, 2, or 4 so that we would work together anyway. He's tall, broad-shouldered, and muscular. With that build, and being from 11, he'll probably get bigger in the arena, whether he's with us or not. Cato's given me an idea.

I walk over to him, swatting the girl from 10 out of my way. She cowers back in fear. 

"Hey there, pretty boy!" I flirtatiously say, sitting with my back arched and one leg over the other.

"Whadd'ya want?" He replies, unamused.

"Well, we've been thinking about, say, taking someone under our wings. I'd be really happy if it was you." I lean closer.

"Quit the angle, you just don't want a threat." He smirks, his dark brown eyes staring into my soul. 

"Fine. fine, bet I'll outlive you if you don't, though."

"Stop flirting. Don't you have a boyfriend?"

"What? Who said?!" I suddenly drop the character.

"Um, I saw your District partner and you kiss in a closet."

"He was trying to confront me about my strategy. No feelings there." What lies I tell.

"I have a proposition for you. Join me?"


"Clove Kentwell."

And with that I go, throw knives, the usual.

But I'm really thinking about how promising Thresh's offer was.

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