Episode 18 [ Sedatives ]

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It's sports day. Min young came by running to see Tae Wang. He was doing warm up with his friends.

Min young : Tae Wang.
Tae Wang's friend : what? Tae Wang is busy.
Min young : move...I want to see him.
Tae Wang's friend : why? To boost him up?
Tae Wang : oh Min young, wassup?
Min young : here... drink this. Coach told me to give this to you.
Tae Wang's friend : What a lie....you brought for him. Isn't?
Tae Wang : now what's wrong with you ? Can you stay away.

He told to his friend

Min young : Tae Wang, do it well... I'll be there to cheer up.
Tae Wang's friends : we are also there to cheer up.
Tae Wang : I told to stay away.

His friends were ran away
Min young got a sudden laugh.

Tae Wang : I know you'll always stay behind me.

He gives head pat to Min young.

Tae Wang's friends : what a scene!!!!
Tae Wang : this guys...
Min young : Sir called me...you continue...bye bye...
Tae Wang : bye.

He smiles on her.

Sir : Kim Min Young, you gave to all players right?
Min young : no one is left sir...

After talking she just passed by a place. She smelled something different.
Nearby an old lady thrown away wastes from dustbin.
A bottle rolled down.
Min young took it and saw...

Min young : Sedatives?

She got shock. Because it's dizziness creating medicine. It slows down the brain's activity. Min young got shock.

Two hours before :-

All were busy with decorations. Min young was called by her sir to help him. Her sir is the Coach for all players. Min young helped in arranging all equipments. While she crossed the food path, She saw her past dance teacher who taught her waltz.

Min young : Good morning mam.
Her dance teacher : good morning.

Min young saw that she is preparing energy drink for players.


Min young remembered that and got shock. She went to office room and asked for CCTV footage before two hours. She saw that her dance teacher took out sedative medicine and poured in energy drink.

Min young got shock and outside...all players were fell down and got dizziness next to next.
Tae Wang didn't drank cuz his friend took from him and drank. His friend also fell down.
Chief guest were confused with what happening infront.
Min young came out and saw...all players were fell down.
Principal questioned Min young's sir cuz he's the incharge of all atheletes.
Her sir was confused.
Min young's dance teacher : it's all his plan to degrade our school.
Min young : how you are sure?
Min young's dance teacher : it's you and his plan. Isn't? I heard their talk.
He asked, ' Kim Min Young, you gave to all players right?' And she said, ' no one is left sir...' am I right? Say, you both didn't said these lines?
Sir : we did...( Confused and sad )
Min young's dance teacher : that's it. It's student and teacher's plan. Make sure to arrest them.
Principal : for what reason you two did this?
Tae Wang : she is not that type to spoil the school's name. Why they should do?
Min young : questioning us by someone's words ?
Min young's dance teacher : someone? See, this girl didn't have manners too.
Min young : sedative...this name seems familiar right mam?
Min young's dance teacher : what are you talking about?

Her mam got fear. Min young showed them cctv footage.

Min young : see it clearly. Didn't she poured something?
Min young's dance teacher : that's liquid sugar. You can't say it's sedatives.
Min young : did I said you poured sedatives? You are telling all truth in fearness.
Min young's dance teacher : this kid...you are getting my single word to hide your mistake. Do you have any other proof?

Min young gave sedative bottle to principal's hand by wrapping up with a cover.

Min young : When I took this from trash bin, I weared gloves. Now...you can check the fingerprints to solve this problem.

Her dance teacher got more fearness.
Principal took that and went to his office room. Teacher too went behind him to not check fingerprints. Min young got tears.

Sir : Kim Min Young, I was completely blank while they questioned me. Thank you. If you were not here....
Min young : it's ok sir but please be alert.
Sir : I should...

Min young turned and saw Tae Wang.

Min young : thanks for beleiving me.
Tae Wang : how can't I?

He hugged her cuz she got tears. He gives shoulder pat to her.

Police were came. Fingerprints were confirmed that culprit was Min young's dance teacher. She was arrested. Media were came inside the campus and news were spreaded.

        - Kim Min Young

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