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Transfiguration was Anastasia's first class of the school year. Anastasia learned that Professor McGonagall, the professor that led the students into the Great Hall for the Sorting Ceremony on the first night, was the Transfiguration Professor and the Head of Gryffindor House. Slightly scared of the older witch, Anastasia made a promise with herself to never be late to Transfiguration and to not get on Professor McGonagall's bad side.

Anastasia had to thank Hermione for waking her up early in the morning. The two had met in during the Opening Feast and had a fairly good relationship with each other. Anastasia wouldn't call Hermione a friend but a classmate she was friendly with. She knew that without Hermione, she would have been late to the first class of the school year and would have given a very bad impression of herself to Professor McGonagall.

When Hermione and Anastasia got to the Transfiguration classroom, Hermione immediately went to sit at the front of the classroom while Anastasia looked around and smiled when she saw Isabel seated in the middle of the classroom reading her textbook with a bored expression on her face.

"Morning," Anastasia greeted the Slytherin.

"Morning," Isabel responded with a nod.

"How do you like Slytherin?" Anastasia asked as they had a few minutes before class began.

"It's alright I guess," Isabel shrugged. "If you like being surrounded by pompous princesses and princes complaining about every little thing."

"They can't be that bad," Anastasia tried to reason with Isabel. The Slytherin only responded with a very blank face.

"Have you heard their arguments?" Isabel asked with a raised eyebrow to which Anastasia shook her head. "They argue about their necklaces. That theirs is the most expensive one with the most authentic gem," she deadpanned causing Anastasia to giggle.

"I guess that is a little pompous," Anastasia agreed.

"Yeah a little if a little meant a lot," Isabel shook her head in disapproval.

"What class are you most excited for?" Anastasia asked, diverting the conversation away from the people that annoyed Isabel to school.

"Charms, obviously," Isabel said with a genuine smile. "Then I'd have to say Defense Against the Dark Arts. What about you?"

"I think History of Magic will be interesting. I'd love to learn more about my family," Anastasia answered honestly. "I also think Transfiguration will be interesting too. I'm not too excited for Potions, though."

Isabel nodded with a hum. "I guess if my family history was as rich and interesting as yours, I'd probably be looking forward to History of Magic. But I heard, History of Magic is so boring everyone falls asleep in that class."

"Really?" Anastasia gasped.

"Apparently the course and its professor is dead," Isabel said with a smirk. It took Anastasia a moment to understand what Isabel was implying, then burst out in giggles.

"I guess so," Anastasia mused.

Soon the bell for the start of class rang and Anastasia looked up to the front of the classroom and noticed that there was a grey cat with strange markings around its eye, almost as if it was wearing glasses. Next to the cat was a board, instructing the students to turn to page 10 of the textbook to make notes on the complexities and dangers of Transfigurations.

Without needing much push, Anastasia opened her textbook and began the reading. As the class continued on, the doors to the classroom burst open which caused all the first-years to turn their attention to the source of the sound. It was Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley, rushing into the classroom.

"We made it," Ron let out a breath of relief. "Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late?"

Right on cue, the cat jumped from the desk and transformed into Professor McGonagall. Anastasia's eyes widen in shock. She did have suspicions that the cat was somehow connected to Professor McGonagall but never expected the cat to be Professor McGonagall. Transfiguration was a lot more interesting than Anastasia had ever imagined.

"That was bloody brilliant," Ron exclaimed after composing himself from the shock that he had felt.

"Thank you for that assessment Mr. Weasley," Professor McGonagall said casually. "Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter or yourself into a pocket watch? That way one of you might be on time."

"We got lost," Harry quickly explained, not wanting either of them to get into trouble.

"Then perhaps a map," Professor McGonagall replied without missing a beat. "I trust you don't need one to find your seats."

Anastasia fought hard to not burst out in laughter. She began to see Professor McGonagall as someone to look up to and not be afraid of.

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