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Harry vs. Draco

As soon as the students could no longer see Madam Hooch, Draco picked up the remembrall that Neville had. As he fell, the remembrall fell from the pocket of the cloak that he had on. Draco smirked as he played with the remembrall.

"Did you see his face?" Draco teased. "Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he would have remembered to fall on his fat arse," Draco gossiped to his friends.

"Give it here, Malfoy!" Harry immediately spoke up with a frown on his face.

"No," Draco glared at the famous boy. "I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find." With a smirk he dramatically got onto his broomstick and lifted high into the air. "How about on the roof?"

Anastasia frowned as she watched Draco acting in a way that she really didn't like. What was the fun in humiliating a boy when he wasn't even there? What was the point of it? Harry seemed to be having the same thought as Anastasia, as he glared at the blonde.

"What's wrong Potter?" Draco teased. "A bit beyond your reach?"

For Harry that seemed to be the last straw. He mounted his broom just like how Madam Hooch taught them. "Harry, no way!" Hermione quickly interjected. "You heard what Madam Hooch said. Besides, you don't even know how to fly!"

Harry completely ignored Hermione and kicked off from the ground hard just like Madam Hooch instructed them. And just like that he was high in the air. 

"What an idiot," Hermione stated with a huff. Anastasia, although she was very proud of Harry for standing up for something who wasn't there couldn't help but agree with Hermione's statement. If he didn't know how to fly, what good was that going to do? But to her amazement, Harry seemed to have rather good control of flying on a broomstick despite it being his first time doing so.

"Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom!" Harry warned as he stopped just a few meters away from Draco, who was just playing with Neville's remembrall as if it was any other peaceful day.

"Is that so?" Draco taunted.

Harry rushed forward on his broom just inches away from Draco trying to grab the remembrall out from Draco's hand. The Slytherin moved quickly and avoided Harry slamming into him.

"Have it your way then!" Draco smirked as he threw the remembrall as far as he could.

Harry, who was behind Draco, quickly rushed past Draco. He was like a bullet with how fast he was going. Harry's eyes never left the remembrall that Draco threw, hoping to catch it or at least know where it lands in order to take it back to Neville.

The small ball was on the trajectory to breaking through the window of Professor McGonagall's office. But thankfully, Harry was able to speed up right in time to stop the remembrall from breaking into Professor McGonagall's office. It was a very impressive feat and even Harry seemed to be in disbelief that he was able to catch the remembrall in time. He had a giant grin on his face as he flew back to the courtyard where all his housemates were anxiously waiting for him.

When the first year Gryffindors saw that Harry had returned with the remembrall in his hand like a trophy, a loud cheer erupted as they all rushed to congratulate Harry. Anastasia stayed behind and smiled with amusement as she couldn't lie, it was impressive to say the least. She turned to see Isabel smirking as well.

"Finally, someone who can put Malfoy Jr in his place," Isabel whispered to Anastasia in complete happiness. "Oh I can't wait to hear him complain in the common room."

"You know, sometimes I can't tell when you're being sarcastic and when you're being genuine," Anastasia chuckled.

"Oh believe me, I'm being as genuine as I could possibly be," Isabel continued to smirk.

"Harry Potter!" Professor McGonagall's voice cut through the congratulation Harry was receiving. Immediately the cheers disappeared and turned into worry.

Harry turned to look at Anastasia with worry clear in his eyes. Anastasia gave him a smile to reassure him. He followed after Professor McGonagall.

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