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Anastasia, like always, sat next to Isabel during their charms class. The Slytherin was in a better mood than normal and before Anastasia could ask what had happened, Pansy Parkinson walked into the classroom, red-faced and her normal black short hair was dyed into a bright bubblegum pink. It really didn't suit the girl, especially with her face that seemed to be stuck between a pout and a scowl. Students laughed as they saw the state that Pansy was in. Anastasia did her very best to bit back her laughter while Isabel had the biggest grin on her face.

"What did you do?" Anastasia whispered to her friend, unable to hide the amusement in her voice.

"I don't know what you're talking about Violet," Isabel said in a tone that was very unbelievable.

Anastasia rolled her eyes but knew that Isabel wouldn't prank Pansy without there being a legitimate reason, so she just let the topic go.

"So has Potter practiced at all for the game coming up?" Isabel asked casually.

"Of course he has," Anastasia nodded. "It seems like Wood is training him like a professional Quidditch player."

"I'm kind of torn you know," Isabel admitted. "On one hand I want Slytherin to win but on the other hand I want Gryffindor to win so I can watch the devastating and utter defeat in the eyes of all my fellow pure-bloods. How ghastly would it be to lose a game of Quidditch to a half-blood?" 

Anastasia lightly chuckled before turning her attention to the small professor who climbed up the podium to make himself seen by the students in the classroom. She knew Professor Flitwick as the smallest professor in Hogwarts and also the head of Ravenclaw.

"Now, one of the wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation, or the ability to make objects fly," Professor Flitwick explained in a very friendly tone. "Now, do you all have your feathers?"

Hermione, who was always eager in every single class, nodded in response to Professor Flitwick's question and showed off her feather.

"Good. Now, don't forget the nice wrist movements we've been practicing. Just swish and flick," Professor Flitwick reminded the first year students once again. "Everyone?"

All the students grabbed their wands and followed the wand movement they were taught in the previous class. "Swish and flick," they all chanted together. 

"Good! Oh, and enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa," Professor Flitwick said with a smile. "Now, off you go then!"

 Soon the entire classroom was full of students trying their best to remember the wrist movements and the spell needed to make the feather float high into the air.

"Wingardrium Leviosa!" Ron rolled his r's a little too much and forgot the wand movement as he tried his very hardest to get the feather to float.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Hermione interjected, making Ron stop with a roll of his eye. "You're going to take someone's eye out. And besides, you're saying it wrong. It's Levi-o-sa, not Levio-sar."

"You do it then, if you're so clever," Ron frowned. "Go on."

Hermione scoffed before putting her attention to the feather in front of her. "Wingardium Levisoa."

The young Gryffindor was very mindful of her pronunciation and her wand movements. Sure enough, the feather began to float higher and higher into the air. She turned to Ron and gave him a smug grin. Ron, on the other hand, frowned, clearly disappointed and annoyed with the clever girl beside him.

Professor Flitwick let out a proud chuckle when he saw the single feather that was rising high into the air. "Well done! See here everyone, Miss. Granger's done it! Splendid!" 

Isabel looked to Hermione with a very impressed look. "Didn't expect the mud- I mean, the muggle-born to have done it first," Isabel quickly changed out the word for mudblood when she saw the slight glare of Anastasia.

"Wingardium Levisoa!" Anastasia and Isabel went back to focus on their own feathers when a sudden explosion echoed throughout the classroom.

Everyone's attention went to Seamus, whose whole face was covered in soot. The eyebrows that had grown back after the incident in the Great hall had all burned off once again.

"I think we need another feather here, Professor," Harry said in a voice so quiet it was very easy to miss.

"I think Finnigan wants to be a pirate instead of a wizard," Isabel whispered to Anastasia who suppressed a giggle. "He seems to be great at blowing things up."

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