Chp.7: It's Deep

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It was the next morning and honestly, I could bear to sleep. I am clearly the most dumbest fucking teenager on this fucking earth. It's one thing to go against Ricky, stay out late, leave the house, put him on block, it's a whole different story when the nigga I am with that I stayed out with, that I left Ricky house at three in the morning and moved in with, the nigga that I thought I have known that maybe now that I am thinking about it.

Does Kory even know that Sammie is in a gang? I'm sure she would have told me. I am sure that would have been something her and I discussed and we didn't which tells me, she doesn't know. She didn't know and now here the fuck I am.

This is where the fuck shit has blown the fuck up in my face. Sammie is in a gang and I have exposed to him that Ricky is in a gang. Thank God that I have a little sense to have not gone further and told him which gang.

I am not from New York, I must admit, I don't know these New York streets but what I do know from living here with Ricky for almost a year is that BSG is the target. If you're not with BSG then you're against BSG and don't fucking cross BSG or you'll get crossed by BSG. Crossed off the motherfucking list and put in the book of death cause you and the whole entire gang will be dead. Done. Demolished. Dismantled.

I am sure there are a lot of gangs in New York, New York is huge, so of course but if it's one gang that everyone knows about. That one gang that has been in New York since been. Since the OG's, Since the '90s, Since the '60s and '80s when drugs were booming for real, when shit was really dangerous, when pimps and drug lords, and gang leaders and Mafia industry was all putting in overtime and had the crime rate sky fucking high and people really scared to walk the fucking streets, BSG was apart of that.

BSG was in that. BSG has been in Newspapers and articles, New York's dad, Ricky's grandfather, was really gangsta which is why Ricky's dad, New York is so fucking dangerous and that's why people really fucking fear that man without that man speaking or pulling out his gun because if you know the things he has done, plus who his fucking father was, if you know the history behind BSG, you wouldn't fuck with BSG.

But that is also why people want to test BSG, Times are different than it was back then, many have died or are locked up or have relocated or have just found a more sneaky way with they shit now. Even BSG is even more militant, vigilant, logical, calm, and meticulous about the way they go about things because times are different, laws have changed or have been implemented, the streets are different but that doesn't change who the fuck BSG is.

What BSG is really like and how BSG can really get and how only BSG can really flip New York itself upside down and World War three, four and five would be new history because BSG is that fucking gang and people or other gangs would go far as fuck to do whatever they can to break BSG, tear BSG down in any way or weaken it or find ways to weaken it in any way they could.

That is why I would not ever join BSG because it gets really fucking deep, my father and other BSG OG's have told me so much history about BSG and all that it is and what it was and that is why I will not, I can not join or take that oath because that oath is deep. That oath is really like signing your life over and all your commitment is BSG which is a lot of fucking responsibility and commitment and I'm not going to lie, that is probably why I am beginning to resent BSG.

Because why would anyone join a gang that requires what BSG requires and the moment you take that oath is the moment your blood is added to the BSG bloodline or the book of BSG, so the moment that you decide to disrespect that oath or any rule, code of conduct of BSG, that's your life. You're dead. You're done.

That's why no one blinks if New York shoots a BSG member for disrespecting him, or the oath, or BSG period because you signed your life to BSG. You've made that commitment, you put your life on the line for BSG. You're family of BSG even if you're not related to New York, when you take that oath, you become family and just as any regular family, you're going to have fights, you're going to have arguments with your family the difference is in BSG, if you cross your family, if you cross BSG, you're dead. If you disrespect the son of the founder of BSG, you're dead and no one bats an eye.

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