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"If all she needs is Gray to kiss her it shouldn't be this hard," Lucy insisted as she crossed her arms, "Its obvious he likes her— boys just don't like to admit it," She exclaimed as she eyed a certain mage.

The master sighed, "It can't be forced— it must be true and genuine form of love," He insisted before receiving a few looks from his children, "If you guys are such experts then enlighten me how it can happen,"

"Easy," Natsu stood up taking a step forward, "I can kiss Juvia myself," receiving horrified looks from everyone.

"She doesn't love you," Wendy pointed out, "She loves Gray,"

The dragonslayer crossed his arms, "I can make her fall inlove with me then," He answered in a serious tone. Lucy on the other hand look ready to explode.

Erza shot him a glare, "I have a better idea," She began as she explained that they can use Jose's presence to their advantage, "Gray will never act on his feelings around us. They would need to be alone and have privacy— I was thinking having Gray take her somewhere else,"

"Didn't they live in a cottage together?" Wendy questioned receiving a nod from Lucy.

"Yes, we can send them there and when she wakes up she would need a few days to get back on her feet," Lucy finished off the plan, "Those few days can force him to confess his feelings,"

The master remained quiet unsure if he was onboard with the plan. Would it actually work? He thought to himself, "There's a risk she can come back with a broken heart and her lifespan decreased," He stated.

Erza crossed her arms, "I don't think Gray would do anything to actually make her cry.  He cares for her a lot and has changed around her in the past weeks," She argued. She recalled the past days where she saw the two eating lunch together or when he would go out of his way and initiate the first move. 

"If he fails I can get Juvia to fall inlove with me," Natsu stated receiving a slap from Lucy. He was taken back and glared at her , "What was that for!" He exclaimed.

"You have to be inlove with her to inorder for that to work," Lucy argued becoming irritated.

Wendy winced at the scene before turning to the old man, "Would you be the one to tell Gray?" She questioned only receiving a nod. 

"If we are to go with through this plan we would need to be convincing that Jose is a big threat," He sighed before standing up, "The rest of you guys will inform Gajeel and Levy— keep Gajeel in check especially," The master stated specifically at Erza and Lucy.

The two looked at one another before nodding at his request, "We will put the 100 year quest on pause," Erza stated as Natsu was ready to protest but remained quiet from the glares received.


"I still don't get why he's after her," Gray crossed his arms while he mumbled in anger. Of course, Juvia hasn't woke up and they were currently heading deep in the woods. Gray looked down in his arms as she was pale and lifeless. How can she still be like this when they were currently riding on animal to get there, "Juvia," He whispered before looking ahead.

He made a promise to protect her, and its what he plans to do. It boiled his blood when the old man told him about the situation:

"What do you mean Jose is coming after her?" He questioned feeling alerted.

"There's no reason for him to be here in magnolia but Gajeel was able to catch his scent. That madman is lingering through the town. Juvia is in greater danger compared to Gajeel," He explained.

"Why does he care about what happened to his ex members?" Gray questioned as he crossed his arms, "Why now when Juvia has been in Fairy Tail way longer than she was in Phantom Lord,"

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