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Please, please, please, please, please...

We rush through the doors of the hospital, me doing my best to keep him stable with the way he's bleeding.

Please don't let this be the end of him. I couldn't handle that on top of everything. They have to be able to help him.

With everyone rushing around, I can't help but yell.


One of the staff notices us and comes over.

"What happened?"

"He... some guys beat him up. He needs..."

She motions for a nurse to bring over a gurney, which they do.

"Okay, put him down."

I shift my position so I can put him down gently. The staff members start looking him over.

"What's his name?"

"Pat... Pat LeHane..."

"You found him like this?"

I point to B next to me.

"We both did. We went to his apartment and found him like this. So we brought him here."

"Do you have any idea who did this to him?"

I look at B who is kinda looking around.

Is she okay?

It makes me go back to the worker.

"No... no idea. Just... help him."

"What's your relationship to him?"

"I'm... his daughter..."

It feels really weird to say that. But it's true.

The two staff members move him into the hospital.

"We'll do what we can to save your father."

They head off. After watching him go, I turn to B who is still kinda staring and looking around.

She seems scared.

"You okay B?"

It takes her a while to finally acknowledge me.

"Sorry, I... it's just... the last time I was in the hospital... with a family member..."

Oh god...

"Your mom..."

Taking a deep breath, she does her best to smile but isn't doing so well.


I should at least offer.

"You don't have to be here you know. I can..."


She tries to shake it off.

"I... I'm okay. I wanna be here for you."

I smile at her.

"Thanks B."

"Of course."

I turn to watch the swinging doors they took him through. It isn't long before I feel her hand on my shoulder.

"He's gonna be okay Faith."

"I hope so B."

It's still so weird to think about him that way.

B notices the way I tense up.

"What is it?"

"It's just... weird you know? Feeling this worried about my dad. Even after everything we've been through. I..."

Trailing off, B picks up my thought.

"You care about him. He's your dad."

All I do is take a deep breath.

"I'm sure they'll save him."

I just hope she's right.

Another person comes out from where they took my father and heads straight for us.

"You're the two who brought in the beaten man?"

"That's us."

"Which one of you is the daughter?"

This can't be good.

"I'm his daughter."

She gives me a sympathetic look.

"Do you know his blood type?"

Definitely bad.

"No... why?"

"We're worried about your father. We think he'll need a blood transfusion. Typically... a family member is the best idea. Since we don't know his blood type."

I glance over at B. She's got a worried look on her face.

"I'll do it."

Then I turn back to the hospital worker.

"What do you need from me?"

"What do you need from me?"

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Fathers (Book 4 girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now