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Just when I thought things couldn't possibly get any worse.

We run down the street, hoping to catch up.

We thought it would be so easy. That if we just told him that vampires are real and that he only has temporary powers that he would be too scared to do anything. Or at least that's what I thought was going to happen. Faith wasn't all that convinced. She knew how her dad might react and she was obviously right. I shouldn't have tried to talk her out of thinking that way. Maybe we could've prevented this somehow.

I'm not sure I would've done as well if this was my dad. I don't know him well enough to say what he would do if I told him who I really am. Faith knew and she was right. She knows him but I don't even bother thinking about mine most of the time. I'd probably be caught completely off guard. He could tell me anything and I'd have no idea whether I could trust him or not. Faith doesn't have that problem. Maybe she's just better at reading people.

I've misjudged too many people in the past. I misjudged her mother, I misjudged her so many times when we were together. She probably wouldn't be going through this now if it wasn't for me. Maybe it wouldn't have happened if I had a better relationship with my dad. It certainly screwed up my relationship with Angel and probably Riley too... before Faith anyway. I know I made a lot of mistakes with Riley and didn't treat him fairly. It's part of why he died. I couldn't be honest with him about how my feelings changed and he paid the price.

And that probably has a lot to do with the fact that I couldn't talk to my father. We never really had a conversation about why he left and how it screwed me up. Or how I think it screwed me up. Faith knows how her parents screwed her up. She sees the way they made her the way she is. I need to figure it out for myself. But first I have to focus. Otherwise things could end badly.

She stops just outside the parking lot of the place. It makes me do the same.


Her focus shifts, looking around.

"I don't see him, you?"

I do a once over myself.

I can't see him.

"No... sorry Faith."

She has her eyes on the club.

Something's not right.

"What's up?"

"You feel that?"

Feel what?

I concentrate so I can try and feel what she's feeling.





"That wasn't there the first time we came here."

She offers the obvious suggestion.


It makes the most sense.


That has her taking a deep breath.

"And my dad just walked right into it."

She takes off towards the front door.

I guess we're doing the same.

I make my way after her.

Maybe I should ask.

"Do we have any kind of plan?"

"Besides getting my dad out?"

"Hopefully, yeah."

"How's kill any vamps that get in our way?"

Oh, good...

"Sounds solid."

"Best I got B."

We reach the entrance and Faith goes in first. Coming in quickly behind her, we see the carnage in front of us.

Damn, he didn't hold back.

The place is mostly empty, with only a few vamps around who obviously work there. They're picking up the pieces of the leather couches, broken metal poles and other stuff. As soon as we enter though, their attention turns to us. Some of them vamping out.

Oh this is fun.

Faith tries to make our entrance more impressive. She crosses her arms over her chest.

"Where is he?"

Might as well get to the point.

A familiar voice comes from the corner of the room.

"You mean this guy?"

We turn to look and see Faith's father in a half nelson hold with the club owner keeping him in a choke hold. The vamp moves him a little further into the destroyed room. Pat tries to get out of the hold but he just tightens his grip.

This isn't looking good.


Faith starts towards him but I grab her to hold her back.

"So that's why you were so gung-ho about him. He's your father."

That's bad. We just told him how badly we want him.

I feel Faith's muscles tense as she speaks.

"Let him go."

He smiles at us with a mischievous grin.

"Why would I? Now that I know what he means to you."


"Besides, he smells so good. Definitely not the same as the last time I saw him. What are you on Pat? And where can I get some?"

Faith's father struggles to get free and fails.

"None of... your... business."

He chuckles at Pat's attempt to be strong.

Kinda reminds me of Faith.

"That's okay. I'll just have a taste and figure it out for myself."

He vamps out but Faith interrupts.

"Don't. You do anything to him and we'll kill you all."

Again the club owner kinda laughs.

That can't be good.

"Funny thing about that. After your last visit, I decided to beef up security. Called a witch friend of mine. He put a sanctuary spell on the place. So only vamps and other supernaturals can do any violence in this place. Make things much more fair."


"Fair for who?"

He grins.

"For me obviously. Not dying is very fair."

She and I look at each other for a moment, trying to figure out how honest he's being.

Probably not a good idea to test it.

Faith tries to push back.

"You're already dead."

He tightens his grip on Faith's dad and it makes him struggle and groan at the pain.

"You know what I mean. So... how about we try negotiating now?"

We don't say anything for a second before Faith speaks up.

"What do you want?"


"Before you say anything, let Pat go. If this spell you cast really does protect you, then you can just let him go and we can talk."

He seems to consider his options for a second. After a long pause, he lets Pat go and shoves him away to put some distance between them.

"Don't go anywhere."

Pat starts to workout his arm from the half nelson.

Looks like he's okay, even if I'm not getting a good look. He's standing all right and doesn't have any broken bones that I can see.

Faith and I look at each other for a second and she seems to see the same things I do. Then Faith offers to take the next step.


He gives us a questioning look before saying anything.

"Well, it's like I said. I could use some enforcers with serious talent. Seems like you two ladies qualify. Do a few jobs for me and we'll call it even."

My ex and me give each other a look.

Seems like we don't really have a choice.

We both take a deep breath before Faith answers.


"Firecracker, no..."

"It's okay Dad."

Her father gets really upset.

"No, I... I can't let you..."

He turns to the club owner and rushes him, trying to punch him as he does. But at the last second a barrier stops him, throwing him backwards into a bunch of the destroyed furniture. That has Faith rushing to him and I do the same to try and protect them both.

"Dad, you okay?"

He groans as he gets up slowly.

"I'm... fine..."

I guess we know the spell is real.

Faith helps her father to his feet and puts his arm over her shoulders.

"We're leaving."

The club owner laughs at that.

"Are you now?"

Faith pushes back.

"Yes, we are. And I don't care what kinda magic you've got. I'll find a way to get to you."

He watches us for a moment as some of his employees move in closer. It makes me tense up as I feel like I'll have to fight.

This'll be fun.



"Go, but remember... we know where Pat lives. If you don't show up tonight at sundown for your first assignment, we're coming after him again. I'll have everyone I need to get him. No matter how strong you are."

Sounds fun.

Faith and her father start moving to the door. I move with them, keeping my eye out in case anyone does anything stupid. After a few tense moments, we find ourselves at the door and we push the door open, the sunlight getting in and protecting us from any of them coming for us. We get out into the parking lot and all three of us relax. I take a deep breath.

"I think we're safe, at least for now."

"Can you walk dad?"

"Yeah, I think I'm okay."

She tentatively lets him stand on his own feet. When he's able to step back, he turns to us.

"You shouldn't have done that firecracker. I told you, I'd handle it."

"Right, because that obviously worked out great."

He starts looking around.

What's he up to?

He goes over to a car and looks it over. It has Faith and I giving each other a look. She can't help but ask the obvious.

"What are you doing?"

"Ending this."

He punches through the window and doesn't even flinch as he reaches into the car and pulls the door open. As he gets in, Faith and I make our way over to him. We see him lying down and opening up the underside of the car.

Is he hot wiring it? What is he going to do with the car?

"Dad, stop... we don't need a car."

The car comes to life and he moves into the driver's seat.

He's obviously planning something.

"Yes, we do."

He floors the gas pedal and the car lurches backward, which has Faith and I moving back for whatever he's doing next. I have to ask.

"Faith, what is he doing?"

"I don't know B."

Apparently he has enough space because he stops, then a few seconds later the car lurches forward, going from parked to seriously fast. Both of us move back even though we have enough space and watch as the car goes past us and runs into the club building. The wall collapses and he rams through it. As it does, the vampires inside scramble to get out of the light. Some of them don't make it, going up in flames. The car stops and we glance at each other before heading for it.

He's probably hurt.

Just as we get to the hole in the wall, Faith's dad starts to move in the car. He punches the door off its hinges and gets out.

"You leave my daughter alone."

Wow, he's seriously going all out.

He rips the side mirror off the door and turns so he can reflect the light of the sun, clearly aiming at the vampires still alive. Faith and I move into the place to see several vampires go up in flames.

I never would've thought of that.

A few more of them get dusted before he turns fully. We see the club owner in the corner, trying to avoid the light.

"My daughter and her friend are off limits... got it?"

The club owner doesn't respond. Pat turns and leaves, heading our way.

"I think he got it."

It has me and Faith giving each other a look before I take a look at the damage he's done. We turn and follow her father out of the place.

"Dad, that was..."

He stops a little bit away from the door. Then he falls over.


We rush to his side.

Is he all right?

Faith turns him over and he's unconscious.

Something's seriously wrong.

Something's seriously wrong

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