Wattpad: Fanning V.S. Following

219 11 14

WHAT THE HELL?????????????????????????

That was my, very calm, reaction to the change in name of that action.

First off this is Wattpad, not bloody fucking Twitter, or any of those other sites that use "follow". You "fan" people on Wattpad because you like them as a person, you like their stories, you want to RP with them, or they fanned you, and you were nice and fanned them back. You do NOT, however, "follow" them, and have them stalk you.

I don't know about you, but I personally do not want to be followed by over 100 people, or however many fans you have. Now, as for the five people on here who actually know me personally, and know where I live, go ahead, stalk me all you want. I don't really care. But as for the rest of you, I love you dearly, but please don't follow me. Fan me, but don't follow, stalk, rape, kill, or do anything else similar to me.

If ANYONE says "followed you" to me, or "thanks for following", I will either reply "YOU CREEPY STALKER!" or "I swear I didn't follow you, and if you follow me, I will run away screaming after shooting you with Switzerland's shotgun."

In other words, fan, don't follow.

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