Homestuck shipping augh!!!!!

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Okay first of all, I would just like to warn that IF YOU HAVE NOT READ PAST ACT 6 ACT 5 OF HOMESTUCK DO NOT READ THIS RANT!!! IT CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!! Mainly of pairings and... Events, I guess?

Okay, so for those of you who either have read far enough or don't care about spoilers or just let your curiosity get the better of you or perhaps are simply as clueless as Jake, lets begin!

The main reason for this is I just freaking realized the implications of Erisolsprite.... FUUUUUUUCK!!!!! Yes, I sorta ship them as kismesises (is that the plural of kismesis?) but it made the SolluxXFeferi matesprit even more dead than it already was!!!!!!! (Pun slightly intended)

And seriously, just I DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!!!!! Act 6 has totally fucked with my shipping wall chart thing. In act 5, even near the end, I pretty much know who I shipped, but now it's just awkward for most trollXtroll or trollXhuman! I mean, can you imagine trying to have a relationship while sharing a sprite-body thing with someone else?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!! I mean, unless you make yourself explode like Tavrisprite... That was probably my favorite sprite... Except Vriska can't be with John really anymore, so now it's just vriskaXtavros.

I could make this so confusing, but I won't... Let's just say I don't even know who to ship anymore, other than DirkXJake. That is my only pairing which I don't really ship anybody else with either one... It's safe to say that it's my OTP, I suppose.

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