My Homestuck Title and Land!!!!!!!

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I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finally figured out what my Title and Land would be for my friends and my Sburb session!

My title is Maid of Breath.

The analysis I found of this title on tumblr is this:


The Maid of Breath is an active CREATE class. The Maid, (I really, really hate this pun), is made of Breath. She personifies freedom, movement and wind. She allows for the creation of freedom and movement, and of course, wind. The Maid of Breath will be very helpful in any situation where a member of the team is trapped, or forced into a seemingly inescapable situation.

Following the example scenario of a teammate being trapped, the Maid would definitely be there to allow for the creation of that person’s freedom! Breath is also motivation, so, in a session lacking a Hope player, the Maid of Breath will be very, very important for morale! Even with a Hope player, the Maid of Breath will likely be a leader, or at least one that keeps situations under control. They will, regardless, have an air (I’m so witty) of authority about them! Their understanding of breath will be extensive, and they will be a good all round player, who can easily cover all bases as necessary - they will be very busy in most sessions, and will act as an effective jack-of-all-trades; a mixed curse and blessing.

The Maid of Breath is certainly a classpect that one doesn’t want to not have in a session!


HP: 7/10
Atk: 6/10
Def: 7/10
Int: 6.5/10
SpA: 7/10
SpD: 6/10

My land is the Land of Spirit and Chaos.

Your world is bright, lively, and always changing. There doesn't seem to be very many rules associated with the world, almost as if it's ruled by chaos. There are many, many consorts, but none of them are organized, however, they know the world and it's secrets. Without them, the world will always seem foreign and trite, with no real purpose.

My Quest:

Your quest is to bring life and energy back to a wasted and broken land! This doesn't mean your land has to be dark and empty! There just has to be something missing that you will have to bring back.

Therefore, I will bring order to a chaotic land!

Seriously, I'm so excited! If you want the links to any of these quiz sites, let me know.

My friend and I are planning to get a group together and play Sburb when it comes out!!!

If anybody knows your Title/Land, tell me in the comments!!!

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