FrUking UsUk

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  • Dedicated to All of the fans who are a credit to the name Hetalian... Unlike this one

Hello, fellow hetalians! 

I would like to take this opportunity to say WHAT. THE. FUCK.

Thank you.

What's that? The reason for this foul language? This message I just fucking received on I will not include the username of the other person out of undue courtesy to them.

Them: UsUk completely sucks just so you know, and makes no sense what so ever. Also, your picture is highly insulting and offensive. Glad you think England is nothing but a whiney little uke, who should wear woman's close. Also that you love to image two brothers, one who freakin raised the other sleeping together.

Me: What the fuck? That is extremely rude and offensive and just goes to show you are immature and shallow. UsUk doesn't suck, and I think it certainly makes sense, especially considering. IT'S CANON. Hidekaz confirmed in his blog both France's one-sided love for England and England's love for America. How is my picture offensive or insulting? it just shows one side of the relationship. i didnt draw that picture, but i would be happy to draw either america, england or both in a dress. I certainly do not think that. I think he can be considered Ike or seme, and he certainly isn't whiney. I like both UsUk and UkUs, so please don't assume such things. I like the idea of UsUk crossdressing, as well as any other pairing, but that doesn't mean i think it should be just England, or that he did it willingly. My personal headcanon for this picis that America tricked him into a game of truth or dare, or something like that. For your information, they are not officially brothers, more like adopted, and I think the war of independence changed their views. It allowed them to break off their brotherly relationship and build a new one. Also, I will have you know that my OT3 is FrUkUs, and I ship FrUk and UsUk equally. I just happen to not have changed my username from back when I hadn't really thought much about it. Also, who are you to judge other people on their pairing preferences? Why does UsUk "suck" and what justification do you have in telling me what to ship? I think all f my ships through very thoroughly, and i only ship what makes sense to me. I ship quite a few incest pairings, including Germancest, Itacest, and NorIce, so if you can't deal with that, sucks for you. It's not my problem, and I really don't appreciate opening my inbox at the end of a good day to discover a douchebag trying to tell me what to ship.

Please, hold your boos. I cannot STAND people who yell at others and are rude and unpleasant just because of shipping, especially since they don't even know all of my ships. The image discussed is at the side.

This pretty much ruined my day. Thanks a lot. Get a life.

Here, have a picture i made on DA Muro. This is basically how i feel.

Seriously though, if you dont like the pairing, DON'T READ THE FANFIC AND DON'T FOLLOW/FAN ME! Your dislike of a pairing doesn't mean you can just go and troll someone with assumptions and twisted truths! And, other person, if you happen to have a wattpad account and are reading ths, please, go the store and get a life. I did nothing to you other than shipping a pair you don't ship. I didn't know that was a punishable offense.

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